
Misha's Identity: Stopthief

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Misha Milgrom changed what he did whenever his identity changed. At the beginning of the story, Misha’s name and identity was Stopthief, a play on words of stop thief, Misha decided to become a thief when his identity became stopthief. When the people on the streets said stop thief to Misha, he thought that was his name and identity was Stopthief, and thus, became a dirty rotten thief. Page 2. What's really unique about this is that Misha became a thief, and changed his name to Stopthief because some folks on the street said that. That is dedication to what people say you are. Another thing that explains Misha’s identity as Stopthief is, when he became Stopthief, he stole a lot for him and Uri. When Misha had no name, he only stole so he could

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