
Mirror Image Lena Corkley

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Nowadays children but more so adolescents have a hard time finding who they really are and figuring out there identity In the Short Story “Mirror Image” by Lena Coakley the idea of finding your true self is found in the main character of this Short story Alice. Alice does not think that her identity and her personality are the same. Alice has a hard time trying to figure out who she really is in her new body due to her family not ever letting go or forgetting that she looks different than before, but after Alice meeting with Mr.Jarred she comes to terms that she is the same girl.Firstly, everything on the outside of Alice is a different world to her and others because when Alice first sees herself after having surgery on her new body with only her brain being the same she knows that she no longer looks the same due to her new body and how people treat her differently …show more content…

Secondly, Alice’s family has not been therefore since after her procedure Alice needs support, that her family has not given. Alice’s sister who is also her twin named Jenny fails to give Alice any support Jenny feels the need to give her sister flack and reminds her on how she is different, and does not let Alice me in a close relationship with her as much as they used to. “ I have to get to know you better”(Coakley pg.2). Jenny, Alice’s twin thinks that now that Alice looks different she can not trust her because she is not sure if Alice is the same person as she used to be “ get to know you”, Jenny is leading Alice to think that maybe she is not who she thinks she is and wondering if she is still like her twin still or

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