Fish can teach kids with autism important lessons in life. When Gwynne’s daughter was diagnosed with autism she had received much advice. Including the option to get a pet. The fish she got helped teach her daughter many important lessons in life. In the article Gwynne research conducted by Miriam Gwynne’s Website. Gwynne wrote, “We have a right mix of fish now including mollies, swordtails, neon tetras, Angelfish, weather loach and guppies and each brings colour, peace, adventure, tranquillity and enjoyment that simply having a tank full of the same breed would not bring. Variety helps brighten it and keep it clean and each fish is unique in it's own way. None of the fish strive in any way to be like another one and each is confident
Deborah Sampson Gannet is known for her courage, devotion and her female heroism. Her theme of her story is she is constantly being separated from her family and getting hurt in the Revolutionary War. Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man to fight in the Revolutionary War. Deborah Sampson was born on December 17, 1760 in Plympton, Massachusetts.
The No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act entail that students with disabilities or special needs to be open to the overall education and determine the progress of the child. Three unsurpassed practice strategies for supporting young children on the autism spectrum (including Asperger's Syndrome) in an early learning environment. The first strategy is reinforcement. Reinforcement is a critical strategy of evolving and maintaining the enthusiasm of this type of student. A teacher must use objective or actions that the students would like or enjoy that can be obtainable behavior. In my field experience observed I have seen the Pre-K teacher use the computer and smartboard to interact with the class as well
For a number of children with autism having a companion dog is the difference between life and death. Methodically trained guide dogs help create an environment where autistic children are comfortable enough to live a more ordinary lifestyle. Autism spectrum disorder is a major public health problem that is the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 out of every 110 births in the US (Autism Society, 2009). ASDs can range in severity from Asperger Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism where the child can function relatively well in society, to autistic disorder or classical ASD, which severely inhibits the child’s ability to socialize or communicate (NINDS). Autism manifests itself most strikingly as impairments in formation of
The term autism currently holds a meaning that is significantly different than when it was first adopted into our vocabulary in the 1960’s. The evolution of scientific discoveries within the field of autism research is remarkable and consistently improving. With the prevalence of autism continuing to reach sky rocketing numbers, the inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the school system is extremely important. Every child has the right to obtain an education and finding new methods that provide this for children with ASD is vital. Creating programs and techniques that can be personalized to a child is the key to them receiving the most out of their education. Discrete trial teaching, pivotal response treatment and picture
As of 2012, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one in 50 children between the ages of six and seventeen has autism spectrum disorder, with males being four times more likely than females to have these conditions (Slaughter 1). Autism is a developmental disorder that affects the brains normal development of social and communication skills. Service dogs are normally used to aid the blind, deaf or hard of hearing, and other types of disabilities. Service dogs have recently been used to help children with autism. The service dog industry has had a growing impact on the autism community, the benefits and disadvantages affect each child differently.
Many of us have heard about Autism, also knows as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some have a family member, a friend, or know someone who has ASD. Increasingly it is becoming a more common disability. “Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the U.S” (Autism Speaks). Autism has no respect for gender, race, social class and or ethnicity. “Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain.” (Autism Center of Excellence) People who have autism have a lot of difficulties with social skills, communication and also will develop behavior issues. These behavior problems of an individual with autism can vary at times and can go from mild to severe. According to the Autism Science Foundation it says,” Many people with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also have unusual ways of learning, paying attention, and reacting to different sensations. The thinking and learning abilities of people with ASD can vary—from gifted to severely challenged.” The causes and symptoms, as well as the diagnosis, and the treatments of autism vary.
Autism is a rare disease that can be characterized by a “neurodevelopmental disorder categorized by the inability to relate to and perceive the environment in the realistic manner.” (Anthes, 1997) The signs of autism are mainly found in infants to young children usually between the ages of newborn to two years. The main symptoms that are discussed are “impairment in social interaction fixation of inanimate objects, inability to communicate normally, and resistance to changes in their daily routine.” (Anthes, 1997) Autism is a very understood disease but one thing most people do not know is that autism not only effects a child’s life mentally and physically, it also effects their social ability to have friends, play normally and even grow up
Autism is a neurodevelopment syndrome which is displayed in a person by difficulties in social environment, a lack of, or inexistent communication skills, or unusual restricted and repetitive behaviors. Autism can be detected in infancy or the first three years of life. A young child growing up with autism may not communicate with words but be able to recite difficult passages or say the alphabet before other kids of his or her age. These kids may seem to be very gifted at the ages when social skills are not expected but once the children around them become for socially gifted while the one with autism does not it becomes apparent and an easy diagnosis for even the child’s school mates to make. Kids around them may avoid the ‘weird’ kid and
According to Kids Health (2014), “children with Autism have difference in the way their brains develop and process information”. For example, “language delay, trouble communicating with their brains, perform certain unusual or repetitive behaviors, or have difficulties learning in school” (p. 1).
Autism - Children with ASD can suffer from a difficulty focusing, communicating well with others, and responding to sensory stimuli. Results from studies done on children with ASD have shown that after exposure to AAT there were positive effects on social interaction. According to the study, when a dog was introduced to children with ASD they displayed a reduction of stress, anxiety, and irritability around others, because the animals promoted a more relaxed environment for the children (Siewertsen).
A lot of people don’t realize the challenges of living with a child who has been diagnose with Autism can be. It is a twenty-four-hour seven day a week job no vacation, no sick time and no pay. From the time the child is diagnosed it is a constant worry especially if the parents don’t know much about the condition. It starts with continuous Doctor visits, social services, and therapy sessions, just to figure out how serious the condition may be and what level of the disability the child has and this is only this beginning. Next, to find the tools the child needs to overcome the disability, like learning development and cognitive process, social skills, comprehension capabilities, and many more depending on the severity of autism.
Throughout history, animals have been a part of therapy treatments for many different physical, emotional and psychological disorders. Animal companions are often seen with someone who has autism; however, there are lots of controversies surrounding the types of animal therapy used for children with autism. One of the most controversial topics is Dolphin Assisted Therapy (DAT) and if it does improve the functioning of an individual with autism. There has been a lack of empirical evidence supporting the claim that DAT does improve social and language skills. Because of this lack of evidence and only anecdotal claims, Dolphin Assisted Therapy is seen as a pseudoscience; fake science. This paper will discuss what exactly dolphin assisted therapy
Autism is a very complex disorder that deals with social behavior. People with Autism can have many different stages of Autism ranging anywhere from high functioning (people that act more normal and have less noticeable symptoms), moderately functioning (people with autism that are more noticeable than people who are high functioning, tend to have more ticks, but can cope and adapt more than low functioning), and low functioning (people with autism that more often than not do not talk, more noticeable symptoms, more ticks, and have a hard time copping and adapting). With there being
Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of many developmental disabilities that affect students learning. In fact, in the United States, Autism is the fastest-growing severe developmental disorder (“What is Autism,” n.d.). Also, the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder is 1 in 68 children and the prevalence in boys is 1 in 42 children (“What is Autism,” n.d.). Furthermore, Autism Spectrum Disorders also affects the way a child learns and over the years, several teaching strategies have been developed to help teachers to effectively educate students with Autism. Research has also been conducted to develop and test new teaching strategies for Autism and continues in playing an important role in the education of students with Autism.
There has been an increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It is likely as an educator that you will have at least one child with this diagnosis in your classroom. This paper explores some of the methods used to teach autistic children.