
Miranda Warnings In Criminal Investigations

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The first thing to determine is whether the type of questioning is part of a criminal or administrative investigation (Doerner, 2012). Under Miranda warnings, an officer cannot be compelled to make a statement or answer questions if they could incriminate themselves criminally. That officer would also be in a custodial situation and was not free to go. If the officer chooses to make a statement and/or answer questions, they can be used against the officer in criminal proceedings. It should be standard practice for investigators to have at least one witness and present the Miranda warnings in writing which state the following:
1. You have the right to remain silent.
2. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. …show more content…

If the officer is unclear about the investigation and type of questioning, the officer should directly ask if he or she is being ordered to answer questions (Doerner, 2012). If the answer is yes, this forces your agency to bring into play Garrity rights for the officer, which prevents anything the officer says from being used against them in a future criminal proceeding (Doerner, 2012). If an officer chooses to not answer questions, that can be used against them in an administrative proceeding impacting possible discipline or termination from employment (Doerner, 2012).

To alleviate potential problems, many agencies have put into place legal safeguards or offer similar grievance protections offered to civilian employees (Doerner, 2012). Furthermore, some states have recognized the severity of legal ramifications that can occur and have passed legislation known as “Police Officer’s Bill of Rights” which controls disciplinary investigations (Doerner, 2012).

Doerner, W. (2012). Introduction to Law Enforcement, An Insider’s View.
Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing

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