
Minor Characters In Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare, the play’s genre is a tragedy. The play is about Macbeth who kills the King of Scotland (Duncan) so he can become king himself. It is the minor characters in Macbeth who attract our interest, this is shown in the three paragraphs below in which Banquo, Duncan and Malcolm are classed as minor characters and how they attract our interest.
Banquo’s role throughout the play is to be dramatic which then provides an effective foil for Macbeth. The temptations of the witches were shown to be avoided by Banquo resulting Macbeth to act somewhat normal. Equal in status to Macbeth as a commander, and similarly ambitious Banquo expresses unshakeable moral principles and an ability to tell right from wrong. He warns Macbeth the witches may be 'instruments of darkness' and not be trusted. When Macbeth hints that they might plot together, Banquo states firmly he will keep his 'allegiance clear'. After Duncan's body is discovered, he publicly declares: 'in the great hand of God I stand' and resolves to fight against …show more content…

Duncan is shown as a character who is noble, wise and loyal. He is honourable and isn’t detained by the likes of corruption. Macbeth quotes that Duncan 'hath been so clear in his great office, his virtues will plead like angels'. But Duncan may have so many great qualities but one of his flaw is to be too trusting. He realised this when he made an error with the unfaithful Thane of Cawdor: 'he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust'. The next line is 'Enter Macbeth' which is ironic in what happens later in the play. This is the scene in which Macbeth’s attitude changes completely. He is now full of anger and has turned evil which result in a deadly murder. But Duncan’s flaw would cost him his life as well as leaving the country of Scotland in the grasp of an evil human as well as a civil

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