
Ministry As Theological Discovery By Ray Anderson: Chapter Analysis

Decent Essays

Chapter 1 Ministry as Theological Discovery

Ray Anderson, during these chapters, challenges pastors in seeking the theological aspects of the Bible. He begins, in chapter 1, by asking them where does the theological beginning point start? After several answers, one pastor states Exodus; "Exodus precedes Genesis," he explains. This discovery shows that Moses is the first theologian by telling the Genesis story in detail. Additionally, the discernment gives a clear reality of Moses portrayal of the Genesis account, which is innovative to set up the natural purpose of God. Anderson understands the praxis of theology and the theologian which teaches pastors the practice of understanding theology.

Chapter 2 Ministry as Theological Discernment

In this chapter shows the logical discernment about the ways and the nature of God. Anderson cites, "Every act of ministry teaches something about God." He talks about if a person who want to get married, and the preacher does not want to marry them because of a failed marriage. What does this discovery say about God and His nature of forgiveness? This type of thinking does not hold to God's thinking when He says in 1st John 1:9 (New King James …show more content…

Anderson shares, "The new wine is the ministry of God; the new wineskin is the theology that must expand and be shaped by the ministry." This theological thinking is innovative as Anderson continues to show how Peter witnessed the Holy Spirit came upon the house of Cornelius or when Paul, who was then Saul, met Jesus on the Damascus road when he received his conversion, as new wine in the new wineskin. Anderson's argument is that this innovation is not frivolous as some ministers have described. He has argued that there is the "rule of the theological precedent." He provides that this is the thinking ministers need to be competent with the new covenant with

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