Minimum Wage
During high school people need jobs for gas money or to help support their family. The only problem is that they get paid minimum wage. Some minimum wage workers earn more than ten dollars an hour, while others earn $7.25. Tennessee might be falling behind on raising the minimum wage, while Seattle has raised the minimum wage up to $15. Minimum wage could be a problem for workers but it could also affect businesses that don't
In Seattle the minimum wage is $15 which is amazing for minimum wage workers. This minimum wage increase helps families that are in need. There are army veterans that need jobs and some that are homeless. This may reduce the amount of people being employed, nevertheless it gives money to people in need.
The interest groups in this policy are minimum wage workers, businesses, politicians and the public in Seattle. The minimum wage workers would get a huge raise, from about $9 to $15, which would yield them more income and better standard of living. Politicians who pushed for this policy would gain popularity because of the political environment of Seattle. Businesses stand to take a lost in profit due to rise cost of business due to the higher minimum wage. Raising prices can is certainly one way to combat the rising cost for businesses. However, this will affect the public, who will have to pay if price is raised. Businesses might lay people off and less willing to hire new ones. This will hurt current workers and potential workers, because businesses must adjust to the new policy.
The minimum tipped wage should be raised. There are many reasons that an incease is due. The tipped minimum wage has been the same since 1991. And yet, the cost of living continues to rise. It has risen by 75% in the past 27 years due to inflation.
Donald Trump, the real estate mogul and new president as the republican candidate, stated at the Milwaukee debate that “wages are too high” in this country. Lucky enough to be born into a millionaire family, how could he know what it feels like to keep one’s head above water as the 1.3 million people working at the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour do? Even if one can work full-time, after state and federal taxes and Social Security and Medicare deductions, one is lucky to retain $225 a week or $12,000 a year, which is precisely the threshold of poverty for a single person. Welcome to the world of the working poor. No chance of paying rent and taking care of dependent children on that kind of salary. As a matter of fact, you’d be barely
Secondly, minimum wage jobs and how the media portrays them in society. According to Kendall society views the working class as historical relics and jokes, not treating the working poor and working class as any better than the poor or homeless on how the media represents them. People think that the working class is the caricature framing which
In order to reduce income inequality, increase people's economic security, and help get people off food stamps, the government should increase the federal minimum wage. The average CEO makes 774 times the amount of a full-time minimum wage worker according to Cathrine Dill from forbes magazine. If minimum wage increased to $10.10, that number would decrease to 559. Although it’s not much, it still reduces the income inequality between the rich and poor people in America. Also, increasing the minimum wage will increase people's economic stability. states, “It is no longer the case that the people making the minimum wage are largely teenagers. In fact, now more than half of workers earning under $10.10 an hour are forced to support
I agree with you, I think that if we are going to raise the minimum wage for workers education we also need to make a raise for those that have an education. I see where you are coming from, it wouln't be fair if a person without education was making $15 an hour and a person with a degree would be making the same. However, I understand why we would need to raise the minimum wage for those without an education because they have the jobs that no one wants. I don't necessary think it's their fault that they can't find better jobs because some of them couldn't afford an education. I see both side to this situation.
The minimum wage must be raised because the cost of living has gone up considerably. Education is necessary if someone wants to work, and the cost of education has gone up dramatically in the last twenty years. Companies should be paying workers what they need, and that is considerably more than what the minimum wage is now. If the minimum wage were to increase, it would raise the wages of lot workers and increase benefits to workers with disadvantages.
The minimum wage has constituted a hotbed issue in America ever since its beginning in 1938 via the Fair Labor Standards Act (Acs et al, 2914). Notably, in the past few years, fast food workers, service industry employees and American workers feeling the pinch of inflation have clamored for an increase in the minimum wage. The concept of a $15 minimum wage is a symbol for creating less disparity for minimum wage workers. However, while the concept is pure of heart and idealistic, it would be dangerous for the U.S. economy. This can already be seen in places like Seattle, Washington, Emeryville, California. Consumers would suffer as businesses would be forced to raise prices in order to make up the difference from the added human resources expenditures
Raising the minimum wage has multiple benefits. As an increase to minimum wage moves families above the poverty threshold, their need for public assistance decreases. As wages increase, a family’s purchasing power increases for
In 1912 the first law for minimum wage was created in Massachusetts but, in doing so it created a controversy among people in the United States such as immigrant workers, teenagers, families, the lower class, and people of color. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour meaning that people being paid minimum wage earn $15,080 yearly which in other words they’re receiving pay that’s just below federal poverty threshold of $15,130. However, some states have increased the minimum wage salary from an estimate of $7.25 to $9.50, and honestly it would be a great idea to increase minimum wage to $10.10 an hour in order to better provide for teenagers, families, people of color, lower class, immigrant workers and also provide better job opportunities
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door” (Goodreads). This poem by Emma Lazarus has graced the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty’s presence while greeting countless immigrants into the United States since 1886.
It seems only logical that providing the poorest segment of society with more pay for their work will improve their situation and give them the working capital they need to work their way out of poverty. With each incremental increase those who are directly affected by the increase will instantly have more money to help them purchase more good and services to improve their living conditions. Additionally increasing the minimum wage would likely have a positive effect on the overall economy as workers immediately increase their consumption possibly increasing GDP and the resulting employment
The minimum wage was created in 1938 in order to legally required to pay workers over time in some jobs. The minimum wage should be raised because and helps the socioeconomic goal of lift pay for 41 million dollars workers. Raising the minimum wage will have a good impact on individuals and businesses because it will injected of wages to help stimulate the economy and spur greater business activities and job growths.The evidence that supports my thesis is that the low-paid workers spend much of their extra earnings so it will injected the wages and because it will also help the colors workers.This evidence supports my thesis because it will higher $144 billion in higher wages for workers and benefit their communities.
Several American families are struggling to make ends meet because they work a minimum wage job. Americans often face that fact and wonder how they are going to pay their bills and still have food on the table for themselves and their families. This has been an issue for quite some time now and it needs to change. Americans should not have to worry about how they are going to pay for necessities they need with the little amount of money they are earning at work. The United States would benefit from the minimum wage being raised by the growth of the economy and creation of jobs, reduction of poverty, and reduction of income inequality.
Minimum wage has always been a controversial issue among policy makers and economists in the United States. Recently, the topic has become an increasingly hot debate whether it should be raised to help the minimum wage earners in America to make ends meet. The Seattle City Council has voted to gradually raise the minimum wage to a nation’s highest at $15 per hour starting from January 1, 2015( While the state Washington already has the highest minimum wage among other states at $9.32/hour, and the average inflation rate in the United States in the last five years was 11%(, it is very hard to comprehend why such move was taken by the Seattle City Council to raise the minimum wage by more than 60%. I believe that