
Minimum Drinking Age Limitations

Decent Essays

Lowering the Minimum Drinking Age Limits and Its Effects
Government officials and citizens alike have debated whether the drinking age laws should be lowered to eighteen once again. MLDA twenty one does not work and is being ignored by minors and adults. Even lower drinking ages imposed in other countries are working, judging by their lower death rates. By enabling people eighteen and under to drink, the economy would grow. The minimum legal drinking age limit should be reverted back to the original eighteen years old.
The minimum legal drinking age laws were originally spurred into movement when Candy Lightner founded the Mothers Against Drunk Driving organization. Candy created the organization because her 13 year old daughter Cari was struck dead by a drunk 48 year old hit and run driver on May 3, 1980. They published a considerable amount of essays and research claiming that teenage drunk driving was out of control, even though her daughter's killer was just about 50. Candy Lightner even stated, “I didn't start MADD to deal with alcohol. I started MADD to deal with the issue of drunk driving.” (May 1, 2016) This gave the government and the country an attitude that people were pointlessly dying, thus leading to the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. …show more content…

These organizations include but are not limited to, the Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the National Youth Rights Association.The non for profit organization called druglibrary states on their website, “By the greatest majority of indicators, the biggest drops in alcohol consumption and alcohol problems actually came before national prohibition went into effect.” (May 1, 2016) This sheds some light onto the drinking age law’s results by revealing that they were not as successful as they are often taken to be. We could have probably had the same or better results by never enacting the

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