
Minimalism, Maya Lin and Vietnam Memorial Essay

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Minimalism, Maya Lin and Vietnam Memorial Discussion
“Minimal art is characterized by its simplicity in both form and content, where personal expression is removed in order to achieve this. The intention of minimalist artists is to allow the audience to view a composition more intensely because the distractions of theme etc. have been removed”. Minimalism can be detected as early as the 18th century where the artist Goethe constructed an Alatar of Good Fortune that consisted of a stone sphere and a cube. In addition, in the 1920’s artists such as Malevich and Duchamp created works that suggested at minimalist intentions. “The Minimalist movement is similar to Conceptual Art in that the outcome is used to express a theory. Minimalism is …show more content…

The video you watch before boarding the boats to take you to the memorial really puts that day into perspective.
3) 'War memorial' is a commemorative object, something intended to remind us of the people who have served and died in and because of war. People may argue over which is the best form for a war memorial, and whether war memorials should serve the further purpose of contributing to the prevention of future wars. They may debate a particular memorial's artistic merit, its cost or its location. However, common to all war memorials remains the intention that they serve as a reminder to us of those we have lost to war.
4) I think Yad Vashem is the most effective and touching memorial. The displays are moving and empowering. The Avenue of the Righteous reminds the world that there is always a 'faithful remnant' of good people and that because there were so few, we need to do more to vouch safe the world. The educational programs and sites are rich with meaning and designed to give focus and inspire healthy memory and renewed commitment to creating a just world.
5) The main problem is there is lack of American Symbols like flag, red& white colors, and flowers. The memorial only focuses on people who died but I think this should be the purpose of a memorial not patriotism or nationalistic ideas. (Check:
6) Gallipoli - Memorial at Anzac Cove by Ataturk is a touching one for me. You can see this

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