
Mindfulness Present Moment

Decent Essays

Does mindfulness have anything to do with living in the present moment? The answer is an unqualified YES. Mindfulness has everything to do with living in the present moment.

What's going on in your head? Until you know, there can be all sorts of issues of which you are unaware. Issues that run your life, partnerships, work, and play. If you are unaware of a problem, you can't do anything to fix it, right? This is where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness and present moment living are intimately interconnected.

Your mind is busily creating your reality right now, bringing up thoughts about a huge variety of things. Your subconscious mind and habituated thoughts may be telling your conscious mind that you are tired of your job, or that the person with whom you are in relationship has it out …show more content…

What can you do when your thoughts keep you helpless and hopeless? The answer is for you to begin a mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness skills have their earliest roots in Eastern practices and pay homage to Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation techniques. These techniques teach people how to calmly and peacefully accept whatever happens to them with minimal emotional reactions, no matter what is happening or how severe the crisis.
Mindfulness skills help the mind to quiet, allowing a person to be with their thoughts and understand what their thoughts are broadcasting to mind, body and soul. Once awareness of the thoughts becomes a habit, the focus moves to changing the thoughts.

Each thought carries with it an emotional context. As the quality of thoughts is improved, the emotion that accompanies these thoughts is improved as well. Stillness enhances the feeling of peacefulness and quiet. This healing space allows the destructive emotions and thoughts to stop their constant bombardment. Consciously creating a healing space gives you the opportunity to choose the thoughts that you want to have instead of the constant flow of thoughts that have become your

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