
Mina Harker's Character In Dracula

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“Doors, doors, doors everywhere, and all locked and bolted. In no place... is there an available exit. The castle is a veritable prison, and I am a prisoner!” (Stoker 27). Dracula is a nineteenth-century thriller that contains horrific factors of gothic literature and takes place during the Victorian era. In the novel, Bram Stoker chooses to present strongly-written characterization of Mina Harker to counteract the elements of gothic literature by having her bring a positive mood to the story, represent women of the future, and associate loyalty with the essential characters. Throughout Dracula, Mina is the character to rely on for consistent faith and optimism. When Lucy’s illness seemed to worsen with each passing day, Mina could still find comfort in her religion. She says, “I must only pray to God for patience” (Stoker 77). With her mindset, she is under the impression that nothing fatal can happen, because she believes that God has …show more content…

Her connection with Lucy between letters gave Van Helsing a reason to meet and immediately adore her. He tells her, “I am grateful to you, you so clever woman... It will be pleasure and delight if I may serve you as a friend… All I have ever learned, all I can ever do, shall be for you” (Stoker 193). From their first interaction, Van Helsing is aware of Mrs. Harker’s intelligence, kindness, and cleverness. Adding on, Mina chronologically organizes every collected piece of evidence relating to Dracula, because she is devoted to abolish the cause of her husband’s suffering. She says, “We have got everything in order for tonight. I feel myself quite wild with excitement” (Stoker 241). Mina’s loyalty is so forceful, that she feels joy simply at the thought of providing help for the others. Bram Stoker gave her this significant trait so that she may be recognized for not only her cheery nature, but also her

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