
Mill On Liberty

Decent Essays

Jerry Nagel
On Liberty

Mill begins to explain that the most power that a society can have over someone and the conflict between Liberty and censorship. He also writes about the rights of individuals to choose what they want to do with their life as the consequences from their actions don’t harm other people. This kind of support for an independent life for all people is the basis of Mill’s utilitarian style of beliefs. Utilitarianism, meaning each person has the capacity to maximize their own happiness, as long as that doesn’t negatively affect others while on that way to happiness. Mill’s continues saying that finding the right limit on the majority's influence is a very difficult job, especially because different people have different perspectives on how the right limitations should be …show more content…

First off, the morals and standards and how the higher class looks at itself in a society will most likely have most influence of morality in that society. Then, citizens of that society are more inclined to follow the rules of their religion and this also included in the rules of conduct for society. The basic interests of any society influence moral sentiments as a single piece. ¬ Mill also shows that it isn't the actual interests in someone that influence, but rather the good interests and bad interests that come from experience. Mill also says that there is really no full religious freedom. Mill believes that the most a society can impose influence on someone is to protect others. If someone places themselves in a position that is only dangerous to them, society has no right to according to Mill. Mills shows the importance of the freedom of thought and opinion by showing its benefits in society, that different opinions is good for the entire

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