
Military Mentorship Examples

Decent Essays

This past year, I had the opportunity to serve as the acting Detachment SGT for 629th Military Intelligence Battalion. During my time as DET SGT, I began thinking about my leadership philosophy and what it would mean to my soldiers. I thought of a number of ideas, however the one word that came to mind was mentorship. Early in my career I had the privilege of being mentored by SGT Ronald Lott. He was an older NCO who was about to retire from the National Guard. When we first met he asked me two questions “What do you want your military career to look like?” and “How do you plan to get there” Fourteen years later now I know why he was asking me these questions. SGT Lott wanted me to think about my future, not my present. During SGT Lott’s last year in the MDNG he made sure I was prepared for my next rank in the military and willing to help me achieve my personnel goals. I believe SGT Lott truly cared about me as a soldier and as a man. His mentorship was pivotal to my current success in the MDNG. I believe that mentorship is important in the development of new soldiers, training Junior NCO’s to leaders, and retaining current soldiers …show more content…

New soldiers first mentors should be there sponsors. The unit sponsor is responsible to guide his or her new soldier through their first and second year of military service. Each sponsors way of engaging with their soldier will be different, however the results should be the same, which is making sure that there soldier has every tool to be a successful. The sponsor will be the point of contact for questions relating military schools, promotions, and any other issues that my come up. If units continue to not delegate a sponsors for soldiers they will not be successful moving forward, however if units have good sponsors that are willing to mentor new soldier then these soldiers have the potential to be great

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