
Military Insubordination

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The term insubordination means a defiance of authority or refusal to obey orders. Insubordination is also the unwillingness to carry out a directive from a manager or supervisor can manifest itself as a verbal refusal, a nonverbal refusal or an unreasonable delay in completing work. Insubordination in the Military is a refusal by subordinate to obey lawful orders given by a commissioned officer or non commissioned officer. The military ranking system was built on lower enlisted soldiers, non commissioned officers and lower enlisted officers taking orders and following orders that was given by higher ranking officials. Insubordination is covered in article 19 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Insubordination have negative effects on unit cohesion, moral, insubordination negatively affects the very foundation the Army was built upon. We Royal Crown have a very important job when it all comes down to it and insubordination can have a negative impact on our job. There are certain positions in our office structure that must be followed (the shift supervisor of …show more content…

At the time we got the call SSG Brown was not busy he was watching star trek, after he said he is not getting the bag he then made himself busy. Once SFC Townes got off the phone, SSG Brown told him that he is going to go up and get the bag. Once SSG Brown got back into the office 20 mins had gone by and SFC Townes stopped us from what we were doing to talk to the both of us. I then reminded SFC Townes on the reason why I could not go and get the bag, I then showed both SFC Townes and SSG Brown how I cut the back of my shoes so that it would not cut into my feet, and showed how I had to remove my inserts. This is not the 1st time I have expressed to SSG Brown how my shoes affect me so he was well aware of what was going on. He also heard the conversation between me and SFC Townes once we found out we

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