
Military Defense Project

Decent Essays

Growing up as a child, I vision the world untouched and pure. One didn’t expect the world to be tainted by people, money, or weather. After experiencing unpredictable situations, life seems more complex than imagined as a child. Now I feel like a stranger in a place that I misperceived called “The World.”
The world, just like my childhood fantasy, includes people. The people in my vision were positively impacting my environment. Every day was sunny with clean air and happy attitudes. I was disappointed to know that unfortunately, humans are the most polluting species. People contaminate the world by not caring for life. Resources are misused. Human behavior toward each other is harmful either mentally, physically, or emotionally. Per Harvard Business, roughly half of the 4.4 billion people on …show more content…

It contributes greatly to the complex or reality check that I envision the world to be. No clouds were predicted in my forecast; however the government has determined otherwise. After online research (, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a little-known, yet critically important U.S. military defense project which has generated quite a bit of controversy over its alleged weather control capabilities and much more. Dr. Bernard Eastlund is the scientist whose name is most associated with the creation and development of the HAARP project. His revealing website provides reliable information on his involvement with the project. A 1987 patent issued to Dr. Eastlund is titled "Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere." In this patent, which sets the stage for HAARP, Dr. Eastlund makes a number of fascinating statements which clearly contradict the claim that it is only being used for research and not for military purposes or such purposes as weather

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