
Milgram's Conformity Experiment: Lifeboat Ethics By Asch

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Everyone has a reason for their actions, and when humans act in ways they know to be wrong, in correct or immoral it is them conforming, bringing more or less attention to them or to a cause. In Asch’s Conformity Experiment, a group of 8 people were supposed to give answers to an obvious line length test. However one person, the test subject, was not aware that everyone else in the group was giving the wrong answers on purpose. Asch’s experiment was done on many different test subjects and showed a staggering 50% of the test subjects gave the same wrong answer as the others on more than half the trials. Another example, Milgram’s Obedience Experiment showed that when test subjects were ordered to shock another human being in order to see how …show more content…

Whether it’s self-interested helping or altruistic helping, when both parties will benefit from an action there’s really no reason not to help. One theory that explains the other side of not taking on someone else's issue is Lifeboat Ethics. Lifeboat Ethics is the idea of not rescuing a stranded survivor or survivors if your lifeboat is already full and will capsize if anyone else hops on. In the real world, you should take responsibility for others when they have no choice about their issue. For example if you see an elderly person struggling to carry their bags or if you see a child trying to reach something from the top shelf, more often than not you will be seen as a better person from someone elses view if you go and help out. Explaining Lifeboat Ethics helps show the idea that you should help others when both parties will benefit, because if you sacrifice other peoples needs in order to help one person it turns into more of an issue than a solution. Understanding real world examples of when to help others shows the concept that helping others is often beneficial to you and who you help. Explaining both reasons of why or why not to help someone shows a balance of when to help others, but it is almost always the right choice to go and

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