
Migraine Headache : Chiropractic Care For Migraine Headaches

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Chiropractic Care for Migraine Headaches An incidence of headache pain may be mild to debilitating to the sufferer. Many people who experience headaches have episodic or chronic headache pain. Episodes of headache occur once a month or a few times a year; while chronic headaches have 15 or more instances a month. Although the brain does not feel pain, the soft tissues in the head and neck, blood vessels, arteries, nerves, and chemicals in the brain produce pain signals alerting the body to a headache. Experts are not sure of the exact causes of headaches however, there seems to be a correlation with blood flow in the brain. Blood vessels in the brain constrict lessening the blood flow, creating some of the symptoms involved in a migraine assault. Further into the assault the blood vessels dilate and increased blood volume triggers a migraine attack. Stress, certain foods, weather changes, menstruation, fatigue, and a shift in brain chemicals all seem to be common headache triggers. Migraine headaches are more common than we think. They affect 14% of the population and up to 18% of women. Doctors believe that migraines can be hereditary and women are more likely to suffer migraines due to the fluctuation of hormones. Chronic migraines are costing big business major losses in productivity and medical expenses, the annual cost is up to

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