
Middle Childhood Chapter 13 Summary

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After reading chapters eleven through sixteen, I learned a lot about middle childhood and adolescence development. The three developments that were mainly discussed were biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial. Chapters eleven through thirteen, talks about the development in middle children. Middle Childhood which is the period between early childhood and early adolescence from the ages of six to eleven. During middle childhood health is very important and with the improvement of new advances in the medical field childhood sickness and deaths has decreased. One problem that we still suffer with in childhood is obesity. That is why we encourage children to be physically active in school and home. Brain development does not stop during toddler years it continues during middle …show more content…

Piaget considered the cognition stage of middle childhood is the concrete operational thought. Concrete operational thought is Plaget’s term for the ability to reason logically about perceptions and experiences. Vygotsky believed that social context of learning involved school, peers, and adults but not culture. It also discussed how language advances in every way. The chapter as explains the importance of education during middle childhood that’s why we make sure the kids has to go to school. In chapter thirteen talks about the nature of the child, using Erikson and Freud theory. Erikson industry versus inferiority which is when children try to master skills and discover themselves as industrious or inferior, competent or incompetent. Freud thought that this time as latency. Latency is when children emotional drives and psychosexual needs are quiet. This chapter also states how families and peers influence them and their moral values. Chapters forth-teen through sixteen discuss development during adolescence. Puberty is the time between the first onrush of hormones and full adult physical development. This process can take up to five

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