
Mid South Grizzlies Case

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The Mid South Grizzlies vs. National Football League case, was a case over sport franchise. The plaintiff-appellant, Mid- South Grizzlies (Grizzlies), sued the defendant, National Football League (NFL), under the the antitrust law stating that the Grizzlies were denied a franchise in the league under bad faith. This case would soon become what would insure professional leagues control over their decisions and how they are able to govern their current teams and applications for hopeful ones. The Grizzlies were a great hometown football team in Memphis, Tennessee that participated in the World Football League, the NFLs rival league. Around midseason in 1975 the Grizzles applied to the NFL for a full franchises within the NFL considering there …show more content…

The court stated the Grizzles failed to show any actual or potential injury to the economic competition. The NFL met with the Grizzles three times to hear their statements of why they should be added to the league, and had also already made the decision that expansion to the league was unnecessary before the Grizzlies application was even reviewed, they did however inform the team that they would receive “serious consideration” in the future if they were ever to expand. Therefore, the NFL was never making their decision unfairly, or treating the team poorly when it came to reviewing their application. The NFL was even able to show proof of this because of how sporadic the NFL expands their franchise, never having a set time or date when this events would occur. Also the Grizzles failed to prove that the league was abusing its power by not allowing them in because they are “rivals”, according to Judge Grim in a case a twenty years back over television policies within the NFL, he described that the professional teams “must not compete too well with each other in a business was, but on the playing field they must compete as hard as they can at all times.”. The NFL showed that they were only rivals when it came to the field, not in any business form whatsoever. The courts even saw that even though the NFL did not accept the Grizzles into the league, they still showed pro competitive interleague effects because the Grizzles were still able to become a franchise for a potential competitors league. After the courts decision on this case that the NFL was not in the wrong for not accepting the Grizzlies, this allowed no only the NFL but other professional sport teams to regulate their own memberships, and be in complete control with how their league will grow and become very

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