Comments: Over the last week we conducted training on the following: Duties and Responsibilities of the Mid-Grade Warrant Officer and Senior Warrant Officer, Organization and Function of the SOCCE, ISOFAC, AOB, and SF BN/SOTF, Training Management, Leader Development, and Military Justice. For this Weekly Learning Assessment (WLA), I will focus on Mid-Grade Warrant Officer and Training Management.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Mid-Grade Warrant Officer: This class focused on our responsibilities as a COW. DA PAM 600-3 states that the SF CW3 is an advanced-level expert in special operations who performs the primary duties of Company Operations Warrant Officer. The DA PAM goes on to state that COWs focus on operations and intelligence fusion
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I learned that this is an in-depth process, but there are references and guidance to assist you in developing the UTP. The process of taking the Commander’s Training Guidance, developing company guidance, conducting a Battle Focused Analysis (BFA), and developing the Quarterly Training Brief (QTB) allows the company to effectively prepare, execute, and assess training. The Army Training Network (ATN) and Objective-T were topics that I was very unfamiliar with. I recently conducted Pre-Mission Training (PMT) for my detachment’s upcoming deployment. The battalion brought in external evaluators from 1st SFG(A) and assessed our detachment from initial planning through the After-Action Review (AAR). I enjoyed the training and thought the external evaluators were value added to the training event. However, I cannot recall Objective-T, CATS, or DTMS discussed. As a COW, I will ensure that my junior warrants understand the process and doctrine behind all that they do. Another valuable portion of this training was the review of USASFC(A) Regulation 350-1. I was not fully aware of the detailed information that is in this regulation. Specifically, the Training Validation and Assessment requirements, ODA minimum manning requirements, Individual Certification Standards, and the Evaluation Standards for an Unconventional Warfare Exercise (UWEX). It is a great source to reference
After 18-24 months as an Observer-Coach-Trainers (OC/Ts), PW officers compete for a follow-on assignment to their respective TRADOC Center of Excellence (CoE) to work as a Small Group Leader (SGL). The overall objective of the PW program is to identify the best company-grade officers in the field, surround them with best practices from dozens of units, and then instill these observations and experiences back into the classroom for the next generation of
Effective training results in the measured potential of our Soldiers, which will be communicated directly to them through monthly and performance counseling. This counseling should not be limited to admonishment but instead present goals and challenges to help develop them for levels of greater responsibility, giving them a better understanding of themselves and what they are capable of. Effective training develops effective systems and processes which streamline mission success and develop greater synergy of a unit’s performance capability, while developing tactically and technically proficient
Allied Trades Warrant Officer Basic and Advanced Course Instructor, and Small Group for the Technical Logistics College, Army Logistics University. Facilitates all Allied Trades technical skill and knowledge development training for warrant officer students in Military Occupational Specialties 914A, 913A and 915A, across all three Army Components. Responsible for developing functional skills in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) and Computer Aided Design in support of U.S. Army’s, Allied Trades equipment modernization efforts. Responsible for reviewing, implementing, and providing developmental feedback to the CASCOM, Ordnance Training Development Branch for associated Programs of Instruction material, encompassing all welding and machining operations.
During the latter part of FY16 and the beginning of FY17, the EEOCA cadre successfully conducted three Institutional Army Warfighter Assessments (IAWAs) designed to test the validity of the proposed curriculum. Substantive changes were instituted throughout the IAWA process and the finished version of POI 16.0 is pending approval and validation. Since the IAWA process, there has been a graduate rate of 64% and a total of 270 Soldiers will be trained during FY17. The desired outcome is a course that better meets the needs of all components, reduces resources, and trains the critical tasks to
The Joint Task Force Guantanamo mission is unique; to conduct safe, humane, legal and transparent care and custody of detainees. Newly arriving Soldiers are required to understand the policies and procedures specific to JTF GTMO operations. Troopers of the 525th Military Police Detention Battalion participate in the pre-service training class, Sept. 14-20. The pre-service class is conducted every month and encompasses a 40-hour block of instruction on a variety of topics, policies and protocols.
It includes movements, commands, Methods of Instruction, Stages which supports training and testing in the areas of, drill and ceremonies. Drill sergeant school candidates can use this Handout to assist training of these specific areas while attending the drill sergeant school course (DSSC).
I also coordinate with Recruiters throughout the state to identify recruiting events that may produce prospective warrant officer leads. This involves coordinating with our Marketing NCO, Mobile Engagement Team, and New Jersey National Guard RRNCOs to participate or assist in recruiting events conducted throughout the community. Additionally, I also coordinate with Major
In todays army, soldiers are required to continuously learn and train in order to keep up with the demand of the ever changing battlefield. To properly conduct these training session, a training management process(TMP) is created to be a universal outline for leading and managing training and development. Examples of the TMP, is the Army Training Network (ATN) and the many doctrines found on Army Publishing Directorate(APD) site. In this essay, we will focus on the importance of three processes that are apart of the TMP; rehearsals, pre-execution checks, and After Action Reviews. We will also focus on the value of web-based training and doctrines, such as ATN and APD.
We as Warrant Officers have acquired both positive and negative generalizations such as being laid back, but also lazy. Our roles as leaders are often less involved than a Platoon Sergeant or RLO Platoon Leader, who have direct responsibility
As stewards of our profession, commanders ensure that military expertise continues to develop and be passed on to aspiring professionals through operational development. It is during this developmental phase that Professional Soldiers put their knowledge and skills to the test. Operational Army units certify and recertify their Professional Soldiers through repetitive and realistic training events including the Combat Life Saver Course, platoon live fires, and exercises at the National Training Center. In the course of these challenging and realistic experiences, the Army’s operational units develop Soldiers and leaders prepared to maintain high standards, discipline, and operational readiness. Operational development and adaptability will continue to drive changes in Army doctrine, organization, leadership, and education as we enter the post-war era. Without this kind of development, the Army could not maintain a well-disciplined professional fighting force.
As a future leader, I would like you to conduct Physical Readiness Training, Preparation Drills and Recovery Drills for the platoon. Take time to come up with training for the section. Example teach a class on how to lay a quadrant for fire missions.
Anytime there is potential to generalize the Warrant Officer career development model, effectively mimicking the 18A pedigree, we risk creating a generalist officer. The SF Warrant Officer is the tactical and technical expert in his field at every level of the organization based on a vast base of experiential knowledge, followed by training and educational knowledge. The SF Warrant Officer is expected to be the commander’s advisor providing unbiased tactical and technical advice. The generalist officer guided by strict career timelines and benchmarks provides a necessary but different perspective to commanders. Furthermore, generalizing the SF Warrant Officer career path risks compromising the core functions of operations, intel fusion, integration of technologies and methods, etc. The 180A core functions are what truly make the SF Warrant Officer a force
One year ago I faced the possibility of being forced out of the Special Forces Regiment due to a mandatory promotion to O-4. At the point where I finally felt as though I had developed enough experience to be an effective Detachment Commander it was time for me to move on which has been a re-occurring theme throughout my career. In the National Guard there's a very finite amount of billets for Special Forces Officers and each of those had been filled. As I faced the fear of having to leave the Regiment, if only for a few years, a reprieve was delivered from MG Reeder. An official policy allowed National Guard Special Forces Officers to resign their commission and submit an application to become a Warrant
Special Forces Warrant Officers are considered subject matter experts in all aspects of Special Operations. At the team level, Warrant Officers are responsible for operations and intelligence fusion, planning at all levels of the operational continuum, integrating emergent technologies, and future operations planning. After the completion of team time, Warrant Officers may serve in staff positions, or on specialty teams.
As a Senior Warrant Officer we will be put in positions of greater responsibility and reach. Our understanding of the environment is crucial to