
Micro/Macro Reflection

Decent Essays

Micro/Macro Reflection Paper Over the course of the year, I have been exposed to both micro practice and macro practice when it comes to the field of social work. It is clear that both types of direct practice have a purpose: to help improve clients’ lives. Even though both of these types of practice are effective in achieving this goal, I find micro practice to be more effective in changing the lives of clients for the better. This year may have opened me up to the idea of macro practice, but I still see micro practice as being the avenue I can most effectively apply my skills to. In order to support my reasoning, it is important to reflect on what I achieved throughout the year in both of the courses while also considering the advantages …show more content…

When working with clients in a more vulnerable environment, it is essential that the client is receiving all the resources and support he/she needs. In the micro practice class, several assignments we had were case studies. The first case study assignment was a social location essay where we had to decide whether or not a client was suitable to receive certain resources based on their current situation. Through conducting this case study, I learned the importance of being objective with clients in diverse settings. We also did a case study where we were each required to conduct an intake assessment for the character, Trevor, from the Fundamentals of Caring. When using Trevor as our client, we had to write a detailed intake assessments in order to best serve him as a client. In another assignment using Trevor, we were required to find effective resources for him by calling agencies around Abilene. We also had to prioritize the problems that Trevor and his mother needed addressed while also having constructing a treatment plan for them that addressed these prioritized problems. Each of these assignments played an active role in helping improve the lives of

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