
Michael Pollan Omnivore Dilemma

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Michael Pollan in 2006, published a work that has to some degree changed the way that people eat, or at the very least attempted to change the way that we think about the food we eat. (Shea 54) Pollan demonstrates through fundamentally modern rhetoric the relationship that people, and more specifically American’s have with food and how very distant we are from it. ("History, Old Favorites in" B08) To some degree Pollan, others like him and internationally challenging food shortages and even worse food born illnesses and scares are changing the way that food is understood with regard to an international and national food traceability and accountability movement. (Popper 365) Pollan challenges the “industrial food chain” looking at …show more content…

the link between the way we choose to separate ourselves from the farmer and the market, with little thought and the fact that we use way to much corn and petroleum to manufacture and obtain our food, then logically get taken by the marketing of “organic” food and then the difficulty of a one time experience challenging the market to forage in the environment we live. The ethos of the work is derived from the fact that Pollan is willing and able as an individual, on a very intimate level to trace all these links to a formidable conclusion, as well as his own credential as a consumer and a food writer. (Shea 54) "He vividly describes his experiences and what he has learned, so the reader can participate in his exploration of the many worlds of food in the United States." (Flannery 51)
Oil underlines Pollan's story about agribusiness, but corn is its focus. American cattle fatten on corn. Corn also feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, even farmed fish. But that's just the beginning. In addition to dairy products from corn-fed cows and eggs from corn-fed chickens, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup make up key ingredients in prepared foods. High-fructose corn syrup sweetens everything from juice to toothpaste. Even the alcohol in beer is corn-based. Corn is in everything from frozen yogurt to ketchup, from mayonnaise and mustard to hot dogs and bologna, from salad dressings to vitamin pills. "Tell me what you eat," said

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