
Michael Jordan Research Paper

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Michael Jordan Best Player of All Time Many people today enjoy watching Michael Jordan’s basketball career today though he started his career in the 1980’s. The Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan is one of the best players of his time winning more than 3 M.V.P awards.

“James Naiasmith in 1891 was tasked with coming up with an activity to be played indoors during the winter, and given 14 days to do so. This sport was basketball. He created 13 rules for basketball . He included the concept of traveling, goaltending , fouls and even the rule that a ball must be thrown in-bounds within five seconds”.72 years later Michael Jordan was born. “He was born in Brooklyn New York, Michael Jeffrey Jordan is the son of Delores and James Jordan”.

“In 1978, …show more content…

Michael Jordan’s athleticism led him to his successes with the Chicago Bulls.

At the home of the Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan was known all around the world making this his most memorable careers in basketball. “Michael Jordan had 3 NBA championships with the chicago bulls and an equally high-profile return to the NBA leading to a 7th scoring title and a 4th NBA championship”. “He averaged 35.8 points , 4.8 rebounds and 6.5 assists per game.” “Michael Jordan had ten seasons straight as the NBA leading scorer.” Michael Jordan is a known player to everyone throughout the world.

Michael Jordan had earned many M.V.P awards with Chicago making him the best player of his time.” 1991 M.V.P, Chicago Bulls leading scorer in the NBA finals with 31.3 points per game. 1992 M.V.P, averaged 35.8 points, 4.8 rebounds and 6.5 assists. 1993 final record of 41 points per game, 8.5 rebounds , 4.2 assists and 1.67 steals. 1997, averaged 32.3 points , 7 rebounds and 6 assists. 1998, 33.8 pts, 4 rebounds and 2.3 assists”. Michael Jordan is a great player who earned his M.V.P awards through hard work

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