
Michael Jordan Desire

Decent Essays

Accomplishments and lasting success are made possible by powerful vision. High performers have the desire that drives them to greatness that causes them to be dedicated to reaching the top rungs of their ladder to success. Desire propels achievers toward the top and keeps them there. Desire is universally available; anyone – including you – can become motivated to reach important LiFE goals. You can make your vision comes true only if you desire badly enough.
All success, all achievement that is meaningful, all championships begin with desire. As lately Paul J. Meyer has said, “Motivation begins as a wish to accomplish something, grows to the will to do it, and finally becomes a burning desire to succeed.” Therefore, …show more content…

You can find that quality in any go-getter, winning team or player you care to name. Michael Jordan, for example, desired more than anything to be the best basketball player. He missed more than 9000 shots in his career, lost almost 300 games and 26 times, he has been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. This fact did not discourage Jordan; his desire kept pursuing his dream. Then he said, “I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Jordan’s desire propelled him to accomplish numerous aeronautic feats. The accomplishments of basketball legend Michael Jordan include Rookie of the Year, winning numerous NBA championships, earning the title of NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) five times, scoring 10 titles and ultimately retiring with the highest score in NBA history. Jordan played professional basketball for the Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards. Many fans and professional basketball players consider him to be the most accomplished basketball player in …show more content…

Andy Stanley (2005) enhances that “Anyone with a vision will tell you this is not merely something that could be done. This is something that should be done and something that must happen. John Maxwell explains how a vision works, he said that vision paints the target, sparks and fuels the fire within, and draws an achiever forward. Yes indeed. Vision is a clear mental image of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be so that an achiever can move

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