
Michael Bennett Chapter Analysis

Decent Essays

The Mexican drug war has claimed over 34,000 lives since December, 2006 (Latin)! The book I, Michael Bennett is about a Detective named Michael Bennett that gets caught in the middle a Mexican drug cartel. Mike and the NYPD have gone after the leader of the cartel whose name is Manuel Perrine. Perrine is known for bribing citizens to help him and if, however, they say no to the offer Perrine kills his/ her family in front of them, then murders the citizen. Mike tries to put Perrine behind bars so that he could hurt no more; by doing this Mike puts his own family and coworkers in danger. To better explain Mike’s personality I questioned why Mike didn’t get into a long term relationship with Tara; to help explain how complicated it is to stop a town filled with gangs I evaluated the steps to take down the bad guys; and to show the relationship between Mike and Mary Catherine I predicted that they will get married. Why would Mike not enter a long-term relationship with Tara? Who wouldn’t? Tara is a hot woman who is caring and has a sense of …show more content…

There are two main steps or objectives; the first is to capture the top experienced and most ominous gangsters. In order to complete this step the town has to get as many police and FBI officers as possible and split them into groups; each group will then capture and arrest one or two top gangsters. The officers have to complete the arrests all at the same time or else some gangsters might get away because of communication among the gangs. The next objective and step in the plan is to pursued and show what will happen to a person who get busted as a gang member. Tara says that city members should, “educate them fully on the law, the sentencing guidelines, and what that’s going to do to their lives” (Patterson 279). If the team follows these guidelines and ideas the town should be rid of its gang and crime problems for a long

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