
Mexican Ethnicity

Satisfactory Essays

Ethnic groups are made up people who share a unique social and cultural background. Society has put in our minds that we need ethnic identifications to feel part of a certain group of people. These feelings of belonging or attachment to a certain group of people is a normal thing for us humans but, why can't we be more than one? Many people shame on you for identifying yourself with one certain culture when you come from a mixed background. There are millions of people that live here in the US but are of Mexican descent. Being a Mexican American can be difficult because of all the stereotypes and discrimination, but also carries a sense of pride.
Many times people look at a person and assume they are a specific race. Newsflash people! Mexican Americans can all come in different types of coloring. There are the typical stereotypical remarks like, “You need to be brown to be Mexican,” and if you are darker-skinned then they assume you come from Mexico and are illegal. If a light skinned Mexican goes to Mexico then they think you are “gringos” or “American,” so basically neither side will accept you for what you truly are. People just need to accept that there are light and dark skinned people in every ethnicity. If you are a light Mexican, people judge you for it since you fooled them. If a person looks white but then they start speaking Spanish, others consider it as unacceptable and assume that person must be an immigrant. “Practically all Mexican laborers are of a racial

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