
Mexican Catholic Culture

Good Essays

Mexican Catholic Culture
Sarah Collins
University of Kentucky

Abstract When one thinks of a different country they generally don’t put much thought in to how different they are from their own. One may consider the different foods or clothing, but there is so much more to contemplate. When one actually begins studying and learning about the different cultures, it is quite amazing and very interesting. The paper will focus on traditions, roles-man vs woman, and religion/believes. Mexican Cultures Mexican culture traditionally has different roles for men and women. In general men are …show more content…

According to Global Security “Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Mexico; 88 percent of the population, five years of age and older identified themselves as Roman Catholic in the 2000 census” (Pike, 11) Mexican’s may go above and beyond when it comes to their religion. They are stereotyped as praying to Mary and this is not true at all. They simply honor her because she is Jesus mother and according to the Ten Commandments we should honor our mother and father. According to, Countries and their Cultures Religious Practitioner: The most important practitioners are Catholic priests, who conduct regular masses and officiate over events, that Mexicans consider crucial such as birth, weddings, death, and quince años (the initiation ceremony for girls). Priests also perform more quotidian rituals such as the blessing of new houses or cars.”(PANSTERS) A couple of things that have become a typical stereotypical believe for the Catholic Church is the thought that all priests, are child molesters (usually of young boys). This started with allegations against one priest and within a short time was discovered that several others were also accused and investigated. Now when one thinks of the Catholic Church or of priests it tends to be one of the first thoughts that tend to come to mind. Also, the Catholic Church is stereotyped as believing the Pope is the absolute power this is also not true. Mexicans celebrate many holidays and each is determined by the Catholic calendar and by the family dynamics. Families come together to reconnect, family reunions, and holidays. Of all the religious celebrations they have, Easter is the most important. Another religious celebration they recognize is Day of The Dead. Days of the Dead are a celebration for those that have passed on, this is to show respect for the dead. It is a celebration for the living, which honors those that have passed on. According to Pansters “On this

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