
Metaphor In Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

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Silence is used as a metaphor in the book “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”. Silence represents the missing piece that Oskar had. It was used physically as well. For instance, The stranger who lived in the same building as him who could not speak at first, who turns out to be his grandfather as we find out later on in the story. Silince was not necessarily missing because it was present many times throughout the book, it was something that Oskar decided to keep in order for his mom to not get in his way of him trying to find the missing lock. He thought that if she knew about what he had been planning the whole time that she would force him to give up or let it go. Towards the end we know that clearly those were not her intentions as she knew exactly what was going on and was …show more content…

Only one of my teachers believed in me and gave me the talk that I needed to hear. Mr. Henderson, my english 10 teacher was a rapper, which made him the best. At times he would rap in front of the class and would let us freestyle just for fun or for extra credit. He would always tell me that he believe in me but I needed to stop being a jackass and get my stuff together. Junior year came around and many of my friends were lost to the streets, others were getting arrested. I was much more mature at this point in time after everything I had gone through. Where I used to live you would either end up dead or in jail and I decided that was not the life I wanted to live. I never wanted to attend Elkhart Memorial but I was not able to drive at the time so there was no other way for me to get around to any other school. Halfway through my junior year we got a new house in TIV and I had to leave my friends and old life behind, but it was for the better. FInaly, a new start. I never really had the motivation for school but moving to Jimtown was perhaps the best decision I have ever

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