
Metamorphosis And Discuss The Significance Of The Two Silver Candlesticks

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Jean Valjean´s feelings toward Marius goes from hatred to love in the time that he knows him. At first Jean was angered with Marius because he could see that Cosette and Marius were taking a liking into each other. This angered Jean Valjean because he was afraid that he was going to lose his daughter Cosette which would be devastating for him. Jean Valjean began to realize that Cosette was unhappy without Marius which I believe is the reason he decided to save Marius by taking him through the sewers from when he was wounded from being in the barricades. After saving him and taking him to his grandfather's house Marius slowly recovers. Once he is back at full strength Marius and Cosette get married and Jean Valjean love them both as his children and he dies peacefully know they are taken care of. …show more content…

In the beginning of the story after Jean leaves the galleys he stays at the bishop´s who is the only person that would allow him to stay. I think these candles are a great importance to Jean because they reminded him to be a good person. When Jean Valjean gets caught stealing the bishop's silver the bishop lies and says he gave that to Jean along with the candles. The bishop told him to use the money for good. Throughout the whole book I think this really impacted Jean in the rest of his life because he used it to push him to good. In the end of the book as Jean Valjean´s time is here they ask him if he wants a priest. He tells them he already has one which he is talking about the Bishop. He believes the bishop was a witness of his death. The bishop and his candles impacted Jean Valjean in a great positive

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