
Mesopotamian Ruler Essay

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The ancient Mesopotamian ruler, Sargon of Akkad, was the first Akkadian ruler of his time, and reigned between 2334 – 2279 BCE. He had been one of the earliest societal architects, the empire builder, that expanded his territories through the use of militia tactics, leading to the invasion and conquer of all the southern lands of Mesopotamia – including sectors of Anatolia, Elam [or Western Iran], and Syria. He was also considered the founder of Militia tradition in Mesopotamia, establishing the regions’ first Semitic rule.
The Akkadian ruler had been known through legends, and unforgettable tales that were documented on cuneiform for millenniums, distinguishing his reputation, and setting a standard in Mesopotamian for centuries – An interesting …show more content…

Although, his father is unknown along with his name during his earlier childhood, it was said that his mother was a high priestess in a town in the middle of Euphrates. He arose from nothing without the help of influential relationships, gaining the title of cupbearer to the ruler of Kish, before a certain event led him to his position of supreme power. It was the defeat of Lugalzaggisi of Uruk [the biblical centre of Sumer, Erech] that led to Sargon becoming king over the southern lands of Mesopotamia, and becoming the first ruler of Akkadian birth, rather than Sumerian, to take the crown. It was because of this that various states refused to submit under his reign, resulting in numerous battles that brought favourable bounties to the sovereign, and the civilians residing underneath him. With the growing number of successful trials and battles, the man started gaining followers, and adding numbers to his armies, before Sargon named himself the “Rightful King” or Sharru-kin in his mother tongue – wishing to ensure accession that was not achieved in the old-established manner of hereditary

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