
Mesopotamia Research Paper

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"The Cradle of Civilization "the area in the middle east, located between two rivers, Tigris and Euphrates is known as Mesopotamia. It has provided modern civilization with more than we may acknowledge. Mesopotamia was established in an area known as the fertile Crescent. The richest soil was located in the deltas at the mouths of the rivers, but the deltas were swampy and had a lot of flooding, so before they farmed the area, it needed to be drained. The land had a great crop production, as a result many people was able to be feed, so the population increased. The adoption of agriculture brought great changes in human culture. They had agriculture revolution, administrative organization, and the invention of writing was very influential to Mesopotamia civilization.

Early humans obtained their food by hunting animals and gathering wild plants products, unfortunately that experience a lot of food shortage. Around 8000 B.C. E pastoralists started rising sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle that was used for food and raw materials. Agriculture created a dependable food supply, because the people had a reliable source of food the population increase tremendously. …show more content…

This gave the Mesopotamians a pessimistic outlook on life and a great concern for organizing their world to make it as safe as possible. Each city had one chief god. At first, priests ruled each city in the name of its god, but later military officials were assigned. Some cities replaced the priest-kings with generals as rulers, but all rulers still respected the city's god. The people of Mesopotamia trusted the leadership of the priest-kings and generals to organize the agricultural and irrigation work of the

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