
Mercutio's Mask

Decent Essays

Mercutio’s mask embraces many symbols that represent his personality through out the play. The four key characteristics that symbolize Mercutio are bravery, joyfulness, straightforward and last but not least a good friend. The first characteristic that exemplifies Mercutio is his bravery and this is represented on the mask with a chessboard. In Act 3, Scene 1, Mercutio says, “O calm dishonorable, vile submission! Alla staccato carries it away. (Draws his sword) Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you walk?” (3.1.45) Here Mercutio shows bravery when he takes the challenge of fighting Tybalt away from Romeo even though Mercutio knows that he could die while he is fighting. There is an endless dispute between the Montague’s and the Capulet Families.

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