
Mercury Origin

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What it’s made of: Mercury has a large core, estimated to be up to 75% of the planet’s size. The core is made up of liquid metal, predominantly iron, surrounded by a mantle of silica and a solid outer crust.

What group it’s belong to: Terrestrial

When was it discovered/named: Timocharis made the first recorded observation of Mercury 265 BC. Some other observations of Mercury include Zupus in 1639, who studied the planet’s orbit.

Origin of the name: As Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, thus the fastest planet to orbit it, Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury. According to mythology, along with being the god of travellers, he had a winged hat and sandals, so he could fly.

Atmosphere: Mercury has almost no atmosphere. …show more content…

Beneath the layers of cloud, Venus has a relatively smooth, rocky surface.

What group it’s belong to: Terrestrial

When was it discovered/named: The Babylonians have the earliest recording of the observation of Venus, dating back to around 1581 BC.

Origin of the name: Venus was named after the roman goddess of love and beauty. This is most likely because it is the brightest planet in the night sky. In ancient Babylonia, Venus was known as Ishtar, the goddess of womanhood and love.

Atmosphere: Venus has a thick layer of Carbon Dioxide as it’s atmosphere, much hotter and denser than Earth’s. Venus’s atmosphere supports clouds made of sulphuric acid, making it impossible to optically observe the planet’s surface.

Interesting facts:
Venus has no moons.
Venus and Uranus rotate clockwise, the opposing direction of the other planets.
The surface of Venus is an estimated 3-4x older than earths, being around 300-400 million years old.
Venus is the closest planet to Earth.

Favourite fact:
The climate of Venus may have been able to support life. Billions of years ago, Venus may have possessed large bodies of water. Due to the high temperatures, this water boiled off long

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