
Merchant Of Venice Theme Analysis

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The Merchant of Venice
The Merchant of Venice was a play about a Jewish moneylender who plots to cut off a pound of flesh from a Merchant whom he has a history with. Revenge was the central theme of Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”. However, there are other themes throughout the text, namely friendship and prejudice, that help to emphasise revenge as the central theme of the play.

Revenge is an integral part of the play and characters in the play. Revenge is what drives Shylock, seeking to obtain revenge on Antonio. In a way, Jessica seeks revenge for the “hell” that her father made at home. In Venice, during the time of Shakespeare, Jews were not seen as humans. They were alienated for their beliefs and due to the belief that Jews were responsible for the death of Christ. As a result of this alienation, Jews were forced to wear red hats whenever going out, which made them ripe for the picking for abuse and discrimination. Such discrimination has been laid down on Shylock, with Antonio spitting on him and calling him a “cut-throat dog”. As seen in Scene Act 1, Scene 3, Antonio, even after receiving a loan, “I am as like to call thee so again, To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too.” This shows how unthankful Antonio is towards Shylock, simply because he is a Jew. It is no wonder why Shylock seeks revenge on Antonio. When asked by Salanio what good a pound of flesh will do, Shylock simply states “To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it

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