
Mentally Disabled In The Film I Am Sam

Decent Essays

In the movie “I Am Sam” Sam faces many challenges with being mentally disabled. He is left alone on the curb side with his new baby and has no idea what to do. That would be a challenge for any human let alone someone with a mental disability. He is faced with all sorts of challenges with Lucy, life and the law but I believe he is able to overcome all of this with the help of his friends and will be able to give Lucy the care she needs. With his loving friends, his caring attorney and the understanding foster family, Lucy will be able to live a happy and loving life with Sam as her father. Sam, as far as the movie goes back, it shows him having a great group of friends. He has about 7 or 8 guys that are similar to him that all love him. They have a series of week nights where they all go out and have fun like movie night, pizza night, IHOP breakfast and more. But that just shows how they bond together without Lucy. But when Lucy comes along there group bond doesn't stop. I would even say it grew. When Sam was planning the nice birthday party for her , his …show more content…

Rida was able to fight throuth Sam’s diffrences and get to his heart about how he fells about Lucy. And also giving Sam the encuragement to go up on the stand and express these feelings infront of a jury. Rida even states after the first hearing “I think im getting more out of this case then you are” by saying that I can assume she means that she cares about Lucy and Sams love very much. Rida is also cancelling other cases, sending her child and husband on a camping trip, all just to work with Sam on his case. But dont forget about all the things Sam has done with Rida, Sam has tracked her down time after time when Rida was putting him off, and Sam kept working. But back to the quote of Rida “Im getting more out of this then you” just shows how much she cares and will continue to be connected with Sam and

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