
Mental Retardation and Child Development

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There are general stages children pass through as they develop and certain time frames during which these transitions occur. There is not a specific time that is considered normal for any individual child to attain a goal, as cultural and environmental factors are also important to development, but researchers have formed general, broad ranges of time in which skills such as walking and talking are displayed. Children with disabilities or delays may follow different paths of development. Children with mental retardation have been found to pass through typical stages of development, such as Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, but at a much slower rate. Burack, Hodapp, and Zigler (1998) however, contrast the idea that slowness …show more content…

Developmental disabilities also are limited to more severe and chronic disabilities, while there are broader levels of mental retardation ranging from mild to profound (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2006). The U.S. Census does not collect data on persons with mental retardation or intellectual disabilities, but there are best estimates by several authorities in the field as to how common mental retardation is. It is estimated that about three percent of the national population is affected by mental retardation. This figure includes those who are currently receiving special services, those who used to receive special services, and those unknown cases. Hodapp and Zigler (1986) have found the ratio of endogenous (no brain damage) to exogenous (organic damage) retardation to be 75% to 25%. These statistics translate into one out of every ten families being affected by at least one member with an intellectual disability (USDHHS, 2006). According to the Children’s Defense Fund (2003), about five percent of the nation’s preschoolers have a disability and require early intervention or special needs programs. Low income families and families living in poverty are at a much greater risk of having a child with a disability. An individual’s ability to function mentally, physically, and behaviorally depends on the severity of retardation. The

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