Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare around 1600 tells the story of a prince dealing with the death of his father and the quick remarriage of his mother to his uncle. The play uses both real and faked mental health as a way to display human behavior. But, what is the actual mental health status Shakespeare wanted to display of Hamlet? The most common answer is insanity, but in my opinion Hamlet was actually quite brilliant. Fooling his family and friends for months making them believe he was insane so he could seek revenge on his uncle. Though brilliant, faking his insanity could have quite possibly actually driven him insane. So, what is the truth: insane, brilliant, or both? His troubles started with the death of his father. After the sudden and tragic death of Old Hamlet, Hamlet became depressed. He wore nothing but black clothes and mopped around. As stated in act 1, scene 2 “ “Seem,” mother? No, it is. I don’t know what you mean by “seem.” Neither my black clothes, my dear mother, nor my heavy sighs, nor my weeping, nor my downcast eyes, nor any other display of grief can show what I really feel. It’s true that all these things “seem” like grief, since a person could use them to fake grief if he wanted to. But I’ve got more real grief inside me that you could ever see on the surface. These clothes are just a hint of it.” The death of his father basically turned him into a different person. So much so, his mother confronted him about it. At one point in the play Hamlet even considers suicide with the famous soliloquy “To be or not to be”. Not only did his father die, but his mother remarried directly after his death to Hamlets uncle! This confused and devastated Hamlet even more. He looked up to his father and saw him as an irreplaceable man. In the book he compares him to a god, saying how he has no idea how his mother could remarry, let alone remarry someone like his uncle. The next factor leading to Hamlets insanity was seeing, what was supposedly, his fathers’ ghost. A few guards had seen the ghost a few times and figured they would tell Hamlet to see if maybe the ghost would talk to him. He finds this news very intriguing and agrees to wait for the ghost with them and sees the ghost the
Hamlet was deeply depressed about his father's death, in this quote he couldn't even speak in complete sentences so you can see how much this affected Hamlet and how it took a toll on him. Hamlet overcome this obstacle by taking revenge for his father and killing his uncle for the murder of his father. Hamlet was also going through other obstacles because right after his father death his mother married his father's killer which is his uncle. Hamlet was bummed about this and really disappointed in his mother's actions. In the Play Hamlet said “she married.
In the beginning of the play the main character, Hamlet, gets a visit from the ghost of his father that has recently deceased unexpectedly. His father’s ghost appears throughout the play but only Hamlet has the ability to see this spirit which leads to the conception that he has gone insane. He grieves his father’s death in very unhealthy
Throughout history, mental illness has always been prevalent. As far as time goes, there have been murders and crimes that could not of been committed by a healthy mind. In the play of Hamlet, the story is based around crimes, lies, and deceiving others. Claudius has murdered King Hamlet, causing a chain reaction of other crimes. After realizing the real fate of his father, Hamlet set out to seek revenge for his father. He wanted to murder Claudius for killing his father, but mistook Polonius for Claudius, killing him. After that event, Claudius realized that Hamlet knew what actually happened and to protect the throne, wanted to get rid of Hamlet. In the process of protecting his throne, he lies to his people. He lies and manipulates
“My greatest fear is this brain of mine..The worst thing imaginable is to be terrified of one’s own mind, the very matter that controls all that we are and all that we do and feel”(Torrey). E. Fuller Torrey, M.D wrote a book to help the parents and families of people who suffer from schizophrenia disorders and those alike. According to many doctors who are specialist like Torrey, schizophrenia disorders are held on a spectrum and hold different subtypes of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia can take control over a person’s life and mind in some of the worst ways possible. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s biggest adversity is his own mind. Hamlet shows symptoms of Schizoaffective disorder, a subtype of schizophrenia that causes delusions and severe depression. Hamlet shows symptoms of schizoaffective disorder through his delusions of conversations with his dead father and his severe depression over his father’s death and mother’s remarriage throughout the play.
Alot happens in the story of Hamlet. So many people die and also so many lies. Hamletś father had passed away because of Claudius poisoning him. Claudius kept it a secret and married Hamlet's mother. Claudius had murdered the king because he wanted to be in control and he did.
Did you ever notice there are many characters in Hamlet that have mental disorders? Hamlet has a few characters that could possibly be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. At the beginning of the story, Hamlets dad is possibly murdered and Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, takes over the king spot. Hamlet's father's ghost arrives in the castle, it causes suspicions with the whole remarrying right after the death. He becomes very confused on how and why his father passed away. Due to the confusion and questions Hamlet wants answered, he could have developed a mental health disorder in the process of trying to figure things out.
In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the lead character, Prince Hamlet of Denmark, has been interpreted in numerous ways. Throughout the play Hamlet takes on different personas, making it hard define him as only one character type. Often when critics analyze the character of Hamlet, they question his sanity because of his ambiguity soon after he sees his father's ghost. What does it mean to be insane? The definition of the word "insane" says that the person must "exhibit serious and debilitating mental disorders." does Hamlet truly go insane, is his father's ghost just a figment of his tormented imagination, or is Hamlet a smart actor who meticulously planned to avenge his
There were various ‘treatments’ used in the span of history to treat those who were affected by anything regarding mental health. Psychology, despite being one of the youngest sectors of science has a very undeveloped, horrific history when it comes to participants. “Madness is a generic term that includes behaviors considered deviant. Deviance is always culturally defined, and varies markedly from society to society.” ("Madness and Culture."). In the play, both Hamlet and Ophelia are affected mental health disorders deriving from the deaths of loved ones yet they both dealt with it differently. Arguments regarding Hamlet’s mental state are made based off his encounter with his father's ghost as well as his general behaviour. Hamlet’s friends often worry that when Hamlet and his father meet “there [King Hamlet] assume some other horrible form, Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason And draw you into madness?” (1.4.71-73). Nonetheless, this worry was often disproved throughout the play. Being described as having a ‘crafty madness’ by Rosencrantz disproves his madness theory. Moreover, there are various instances where Hamlet confesses to faking his apparent decent. With statements such as “I am but mad north-northwest” (Shakespeare 2.2.386) or “...am not in madness, / but mad in craft” (Shakespeare 3.4.188-189) show that Hamlet is fully aware of himself and how others think of him, showing that his acts are done on purpose and he is, in
A mental illness is described as the alteration in one's behaviour or actions according to their mental stability. For many people around the world, this so called illness, has taken over a part of their lives. It can be argued that Hamlet was accustomed to such illness throughout the play. While portraying confused mindset and thoughts, becoming increasingly more violent and developing suicidal thoughts, the strongest symptoms of his illness become evident. As a result of Hamlet’s constant desire to seek revenge on behalf of his father, he has acquired this mental illness.To begin, the symptoms of his mental illness become evident through his confused thoughts and feelings regarding the revenge of his father. The first instant he shows
Insane, or not insane- that is the question. In the book “Hamlet,” by William Shakespeare, he leaves a lot of questions unanswered. A huge thing that he leaves unanswered is whether or not Hamlet is insane or just faking it. Whether Hamlet is insane or not, does not matter. There is a lot of controversy on this subject, but that does matter because the facts are the facts. Even with all the controversy, it is clear through the evidence of the book that Hamlet is marginalized as insane.
William Shakespeare wrote the play Hamlet around the 1600, telling the story of a young prince dealing with the tragic death of his father and the subtle remarriage of his mother to his Claudius. The play uses mental health, both real and faked, as a way to show human behavior and emotions. The Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the protagonist, Hamlet is the son of Queen Gertrude and the late King Hamlet, and the nephew of the present king, Claudius. Hamlet is melancholy, bitter, and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle’s scheming and disgust for his mother’s sexuality. A reflective and thoughtful young man, Hamlet is often indecisive and hesitant, but at other times prone to rash and impulsive acts. Hamlet’s mental state was originally fake to create concern in King Claudius, but ended up truly taking root as people died and his false state of mind had the wrong consequence of what he expected.
When someone is visibly sick, people worry about them or say that they should go to the doctor. Generally, people care about others, especially close friends or family member. Therefore, why do people appear to ignore a person’s bereavement after several months had passed? As modern psychology would tell society, untreated depression is not only the most common cause of suicide, but it can also lead to psychotic episodes in the most extreme of cases. In these cases, depression acts usually as a catalyst for someone who already has developed some form of psychosis, and they experience both visual and auditory hallucinations related to the cause of the depression. Furthermore, affected persons can also develop psychosis through the severe trauma that caused the depression. Therefore, people who have an untreated mental illness may not only cause self inflicting harm, but harm upon others who are closest to them.
William Shakespeare's Hamlet is a complex text that details the failing mental status of a young prince. Hamlet’s antic disposition is all part of a diluted plot to exact revenge of Claudius and shifts in severity based on the characters Hamlet is surrounded by. The clinical definition of insanity explains that the person suffering cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. Given the fact Hamlet manipulated his illness he cannot be ruled insane as he was mentally aware of his reality and used his insanity to get ahead.Therefore Hamlet was not insane but instead faking his illness to warp others views of himself.
In Hamlet, he seems to be mad, but there is a question that everyone asks when reading or watching this play “was it, or was it not true that Hamlet was faking his insanity, really suffering, or maybe even both.” First, this is what insanity is: insanity is acting crazy, but not knowing that they’re acting crazy. Also, it’s going through a lot of stress at the same time causing you to act stranger then a normal person. Hamlet was not totally insane. It doesn’t fit.
The play Hamlet, by Shakespeare, is a very important piece to understand the grim actuality and undeserved consequence of one’s untreated mental state. In the case of these mental states, actions are still just as affected by the karmic consequence as all other characters. The justification of actions using signs of mental illness does not excuse the eventual and inevitable karmic consequence, but helps readers actually understand the character.