
Mental Illness Research Papers

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Mental Illness. Being branded by these two words are enough to make people shun and judge each other because of the stigma associated with the term. The humility with having a mental illness, may be deemed as having a modern day scarlet letter. So why do we do it? Why do we fear and suppress the mentally ill? We do it because people usually perceive something or someone they do not understand or the identify as “different” to be threatening. Although this thought process is irrational it is the way human nature is built and because of this mentality, mental illness is probably one of the many feared and misunderstood illnesses in America.
Throughout history, the stigma and fear was so strong that no one dared talk about it, because it was …show more content…

When you think of a sick person most people tend to visualize a person with a fever or in serious cases a person with cancer. Because these sicknesses show physical symptoms it is easer to identify as an illness. In other cases, when the issue takes place in the brain most people think others should just “deal with it” and stop feeling a certain way. You cannot just wake up one day and stop being sad, because the there are physiological and chemical changes that occur in the brain when a person is sick (Hockenbury). Mental illness is not something an individual can control, you cannot just turn it on and off. The process in which psychologists and physiatrists determine what is “normal” and what is considered an illness has a certain level of ambiguity and so it gives rise to skepticism ("Is Mental Illness a Myth?"). To prevent as much ambiguity as possible, the entire nation’s psychologists and physiatrists are required to use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the DSM-IV-TR for short (Hockenbury). Understanding that it is an unpreventable condition will help us understand and not demean individuals who suffer from these …show more content…

For some disorders like schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are fairly easy to tell apart from normal behavior because their characteristics are very distinguished. On the contrary, illness like general anxiety disorder and phobias lie much more closely to the emotions we could experience in our daily life. What distinguishes a mental illness is the magnitude at which it has an effect on the individual. A mental illness is very serious when it disrupts the individual from normal functions and day-to day tasks. People who experience mental illness are very insecure, have trouble maintaining stable relationships and cannot hold on to a steady job. Theses issues not only affect the family and friends of the individual but also has a direct impact on the society. With increasing number of people being undiagnosed, more and more of them struggle to fit in and contribute as a helpful member of the society.
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Stigmatization is a big problem because when shunned away from relieving proper care from hospitals they come around and tend to have negative impacts on the society “One in 10 young people experienced a period of major depression” ("Mental Health by the Numbers"). Many of these people were probably afraid to come out and discuss their problem. By not being open about their feeling these people suffering from depression and other illness are

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