
Mental Illness Persuasive Essay

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Since mental illnesses cannot be seen, some people refuse to acknowledge their existence. I think that you shouldn’t be ashamed to be facing disorder like these and feel as if you have to hide it. You are not alone. Although, since the injury is not physical, most people would not know what you are struggling from unless you told them. Therefore, it is your choice. However some people think that you have a choice in the matter of having a mental illness are undoubtedly wrong. It is just like a physical injury, you did not choose to break your leg, it just happened whilst living your life. Those who suffer should not be ashamed for needing help of a therapist or medication, they are all steps on working through your illness and making your life …show more content…

This is not true, there are many things that lead to depression, including: abuse, certain medications, conflict, death or a loss, genetics, major events, personal problems, serious illnesses and substance abuse. All these things can lead to depression, the chances of them being said for quote “no reason” is nearly non-existent. Some mental illnesses are linked to an abnormal functioning of the brain, people who suffer from anxiety didn’t choose for their brain to over make the chemicals that cause you to be nervous. There are so many causes of mental illnesses, including: Genetics, infections, brain defects or injury, prenatal damage, and substance abuse, these people did not choose to have a problem. It was just something that happened to them, like how a broken arm happens. Nobody wants their arm to be broken and nobody wants a mental …show more content…

Mood disorders, including major depression, dysthymic disorder and bipolar disorder, are the third most common cause of hospitalization if not properly treated. Seeking help will help you understand how to deal with living with your mental disorder. You shouldn’t be ashamed of taking medication. It just helps take away symptoms, like how Advil takes away pain. Most people aren’t ashamed for taking Advil, therefore you should not be ashamed for taking medication for you illness. The definition of medication is: a substance used for medical treatment, especially a medicine or drug. You shouldn’t be ashamed for being treated for something you struggle with. 37% of students with a mental health disorder that isn’t treated, has the highest dropout rate of school. The tenth leading cause of death in the United States is suicide, if you don’t get treated you your mental disorder, you could possibly be helping to raise the place in which suicide is in, something none of us wants. If medication will help you further your life than you should take it, you should be proud that you want to help

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