
Mental Illness In Frankenstein

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Anxiety has been around for many years due to stress levels being too high or events that have happened in the past, but does anyone realize that it is a serious thing and can hurt someone mentally? While researching different academic articles about anxiety and other types of mental illness. I found a few academic journals who describe other people’s lives with anxiety and other mental illnesses. Mary Shelly author of her famous book “Frankenstein” is about Victor Frankenstein who created a monster and got very ill when he saw the beast breathe. Later, he started to neglect the beast and the monster started killing Victor’s loved ones because Victor abandoned the monster. I chose to write about mental illnesses and anxiety because. Victor Frankenstein suffers from a mental illness known as anxiety caused by the monster and events caused by him. Anxiety has been a top mental illness for someone who is anti-social, scared of the cause of something they made or created. People do not take it seriously because they assume that it is not that serious and either think it is a joke. People die or get very ill because of mental illnesses and them not getting treated, or getting any type of help. Victor Frankenstein gets into a mental shut down and becomes very ill when he saw the monster breathe and move for the first time “Sometimes my pulse beat is quickly I felt the palpitation of every artery” (Shelly 43). Victor was having an anxiety attack because he succeeded in creating a monster and he realized that it was a terrible idea. After, Victor’s mental shut down it took him a long time to get back on track with his life. “I was lifeless and did not recover my senses for a very long, long time” (Shelly 45). A source said that people with mental disorders die faster then the rest of the population “Persons with mental disorders died an average of 8.2 years younger than the rest of the population” (Druss 599). Also, they provided that “Studies extending back nearly a century have suggested that individuals with anxiety mental illness die younger than individuals without those disorders” (Druss 599). The article basically explained that people who suffer from anxiety, or any other mental illness can die faster than a

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