
Mental Illness And Its Effects On Children

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Introduction Mental illness is a realm of disorders that not only affect the physical health of an individual, but also takes a toll on the quality of life that these individuals have. While mental illness can affect any population, vulnerable populations such as homeless individuals, prisoners, unemployed, elderly, etc. have a higher risk of having mental illness. Having a mental illness not only In order to accurately understand mental illness and its implications on individuals suffering from it, it is essential to look at the brief history surrounding such illness. From trephination to lobotomies and shock-inducing therapy, history has seen a wide and interesting range of treatments for mentally ill individuals. One of the best predictors of how well mental illness can be managed is the treatment that a mentally ill individual can avail. In fact, treatment for mental illness has evolved several-fold, with pharmacological, psychosocial, and rehabilitative intervention being aspects of current treatment methodology. Despite the numerous advances that science and medicine have made in pioneering new and effective ways of treating mental illness, the veil of stigma and prejudice that surrounds mental illness is staggering. In addition to such stigma being one of the strongest hindrances to effectively managing mental illness, it also leads to great distress and suffering for the mentally ill individuals and their families. Michelle Obama recently pointed out the adverse

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