
Mental Health Crisis In Adult Corrections

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The mental health crisis in adult corrections is a huge problem in the United States. Some believe prisons and jails have become sanitariums of sorts in that there is no other long-term facility prepared to take the mentally ill from a correctional facility unless a hospital with a psychiatric ward agrees to take them. There has been a societal change over the last 50-60 years and it appears the mentally ill are falling through the cracks. What effort is made to make a lasting change in their lives? If they are not able to function within the norms of society, they are left on their own, oftentimes homeless and unable to care for themselves. This is a political and socio-economic charged issue and we need to come together to figure out …show more content…

Thus, people living in mental institutions virtually had no place to live and either lived on the streets or were housing insecure. In Ben-Moshe (277), he discusses “…that mental health policies are the cause of homelessness and a reason to press for mental health solutions to the problem.” If the person is depressed, does not trust authority, is unable to care for themselves or disconnected with the world around them, they may struggle with homelessness. After the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill population, there were few choices for the convicted mentally ill other than in a correctional facility. Oftentimes, if they needed to spend some time in a psychiatric ward at a hospital, they would stay until they were deemed well enough to be placed back in a correctional facility. Oftentimes, they were convicted of petty crimes and the person may not have understood what they did if they have a mental illness. If the inmate threatened to take their life, they would be placed on suicide watch in the correctional facility or taken to a hospital and placed in a psychiatric hospital for observation and given medication. Once the inmate was deemed ready to return to the correctional facility, the inmate would be transferred back to jail or …show more content…

The third strategy is to penalize the individual.” Each of these may be interconnected and difficult to separate the strategies. As a society, individuals believe that if people do not conform with society’s rules, there is something wrong with that person. Using the above strategies allows for intervention and possible correction to the individual’s actions and way of life. Oftentimes, if an incarcerated individual seeks mental health treatment, the correctional officer may be unwilling to help due to the belief the inmate may be faking it or it is a form of manipulation to get their way. There may be other roadblocks for help by correctional officers such as they are truly unable to help the inmate if the doctor only comes a few hours a month or until they disclose pertinent information that could help the correctional facility, according to Ben-Moshe

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