I am applying to your Masters of Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. I have earned my undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. During my time earning my undergraduate degree I also minored in psychology. I am motivated to earn this degree because of the experiences that I have had while growing up in a home with a workaholic father and a bed ridden mother. This childhood has inspired me to work with those who are struggling emotionally and are in need of guidance and assistance. When considering the counseling style and presence that I would like to have it is centered on being present and caring. Through working as a counselor, I would put a large emphasis on the ethical code and following it …show more content…
In this avenue I would work to base my practices and approaches on the needs and strengths of the clients. I would encourage them to practice good coping mechanisms and self talk. The goal of our session would be for them to leave with a new perspective and some tools to deal with the moments of disarray. Lastly, I would hope to help treat mental dysfunctional and disorders. Through time with clients I would work to help the client in self-discovery in regards to their mental state, whether it is good in many areas or if it needs to be improved. I would work to continue my education regularly as to be informed on the latest discoveries and improvements. In the same realm I would work with clients on achieving self-care and a stable mind. With these objectives in mind, I would hope that the place that my career takes me is a stable and person centered journey. My first goal in counseling is to be a lifelong learner, continual taking classes, attending seminars, and reading books to improve my knowledge and skills. Being a lifelong learner would help me to be a more rounded counselor and more education in decision-making and treatment planning. This is a goal that I have not only to benefit my clients, but also myself in the simple fact that it will help me to be more time proficient and
Briefly discuss your aspirations for a counseling position upon graduation (for example, do you hope to counsel in a community mental health center, a career center, a marriage and family practice, an inpatient substance abuse treatment center).
As the standards of the counseling profession are continuously being shaped, I desire to play a role in the educating
As a counselor in training, I believe that counseling is a collaborative process between you and I. Counseling is a personal and safe process that deeply respects and honors each individual’s unique life experiences. Here are some aspects of counseling and therapy as I perceive and practive it: Therapeutic counseling
Now that I have explained why I am interested the Capella, I will explain how my personality, beliefs, values, thoughts, and experiences influence the way I look at the world in conjunction with my role as a future professional counselor. In general, I receive satisfaction from helping others fix their own problems. As I help others, I observe various outlooks on problems and solutions that I would not have noticed alone. I think that fits with the Wellness Model, which states, “the counselor assesses client’s current functioning in several areas and helps determine which factors are interfering with the individual reaching his/her potential.” I look at my
My passion and determination to undertake study within the mental health sector dwells from the insight I have been privileged to gain in my current role as a link care coordinator, working with people who suffer from a range of ailments within the mental health spectrum; from learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, OCD, Autism to name but a few.
My main reason for wanting to counselor individuals, families, and groups is because I enjoy helping people and I would like to see them overcome their current issues. Also, I enjoy reading about psychology and counseling. Honestly, I am more passionate about studying the field of counseling than I am practicing it. I feel that my journey may lead me to researching. But throughout my career, I plan to display professionalism to help my clients.
My goal is to pursue a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. My dream is to provide counsel and guidance to individuals, families, couples or groups of people; who are dealing with issues that affect them physically, emotionally and mentally. I would like help clients determine why they are experiencing their life challenges, develop goals and actions to resolve their issues. I would like to provide life changing advice to support & help clients overcome outstanding life situations, collaborate assessment and maintain treatment. Family and friends has consulted with me about their problems. I enjoy giving them advice that allows them to think about the decisions resolving the circumstance. With this I’m inspired to work in the
I need to stay very professional at all times and make sure I do not use my personal values towards my clients. I also need to make sure my attitude does not affect my client. When working within community and private mental health system, I need to be the helper and help my clients. They come to get help not to be judged or to be told what to do. The counselor disposition will help me incorporated in my session by being aware of my own biases and making sure I do not use them towards my clients. The counselor disposition is a backup procedure I can reflex if I have a concern with a client and how to stay professional at all times. I will also build rapport with clients so they can feel comfortable and trusted. They will be able to open up without being judged or disrespected. I will make sure I give them my full attention and work as a team. The key to have better outcomes is to have empathy towards and client and be present at all times so they can feel they have a caring
I know how to listen, be persistent, trust worthy, and open minded. I also have had plenty of experiences that can help me to relate to other clients I may come in contact with. This will allow me to be more effective as a counselor. I have many goals as a young aspiring counselor. I think that the standards and goals I have for myself will allow me to uphold high standards for all my clients, which will show them that I believe in them. I have the personality, drive, and want to help people and this is why I chose the counseling profession. It will not always be easy, but it will always be rewarding knowing I did help someone, or at least tried to. It takes one person to make a positive impact and change someone’s life. I want to be that
Tell us about why you want to become a counselor. Feel free to address personal experiences that motivated you to want to help people. With what types of client groups or client issues do you think you might like to work? I desire a career that prides itself in making a difference in people’s life. Events happen that people may find challenging daily.
I firmly believe in myself, in my capabilities, in my skills, in my character, and in my integrity. I also firmly believe in my abilities to achieve my educational and personal goals. I intend to achieve my goal of receiving Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. I will pursue this area of study in college, focusing on the necessary course work.
I am a mental health counselor working towards licensure in the state of Washington. I have a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Antioch University Seattle. In my current counseling practice, I work with individual adults (over 18). I take a humanistic approach to therapy; in our sessions together, we will focus on the here-and-now of your experience, while also exploring your past and social context to the extent they are relevant to your present concerns. Our first meeting will be a time for you to tell your story; then, together, we will assess your concerns and issues, and decide on the goals toward which you would like to move (Hilton, 2016). As we continue through the therapy process, we
My clients will understand that you have the opinion to be the best you can be and be positive. This theory will promote personal growth and impact relationships of my client by allowing them to explore and utilize their own strengths and personal identity (Capuzzi & Gross, 2011). As a counselor, I will be able to aid this process, transition and provide vital support to their needs. My goals are to guide my client in accomplishing impactful self-understanding and awareness, establish healthier relationships, improve their self-reflection & self-expression and encouragement to love & trust thyself (Capuzzi & Gross,
Counseling is defined as ”the use of therapeutic strategies to help clients address personal concerns and mental health issues” (Nystul, 2016). Pursuing counseling as a career involves many years of formal study and certification or licensure. After receiving licensure to practice as a professional counselors it is a requirement to maintain involvement and certification in certain associations in order to hold your license. These association often require further education and/or professional practice in order to maintain membership in these associations. It is quite obvious that counseling requires a large amount of commitment and passion in order to pursue it as a career and maintain a title as a counselor. I have conducted an interview with a professional counselor in order to further understand the experience of being a counselor. The interview that I conducted explores the requirements of maintaining and receiving a counselling career, the experience of being a counselor, and what characteristics or skills a professional may have. The Individual who agreed to the interview was a counselor by the name of Susie Facio. Susie Facio, through this interview, will be giving us a look at what influenced her to become a counselor, what her work entails on a day to day basis, and what qualities and skills she has acquired in order to become a successful counselor.
When I first stated I was interested in counseling, I thought all I had to do was sit in a chair and listen. I have learned there is a lot more to counseling than just sitting there and listening, you must learn to use competency skills as well. Looking over the 14 personal competencies which includes: 1) Be nonjudgmental; 2) be flexible; 3) be resourceful; 4) personal observations; 5) pay attention to thoughts and feelings; 6) listen carefully; 7) observe attentively; 8) assume complexity; 9) tolerate the stress of uncertainty; 10) have patience; 11) manage personal biases and stereotypes; 12) keep a sense of humor; 13) show respect; and 14) show empathy, I plan to rate myself on a scale of 1(low) to 10 (high) to see what areas are my