
Meno Skeptics

Decent Essays

The skeptic is unable to investigate or form any sort of conception of their dogmatic views.(III 31) The above conclusion stems from two premises presented by the dogmatists in their argument against the skeptics ability to inquire. Firstly, if the skpetic grasps what the dogmatist says, he cannot be in doubt about what he has grasped. And secondly, if the skeptic doesn’t grasp what the dogmatist says, he will not even be able to talk about what he has grasped. The dogmatist claim we are considering is a reformulation of meno’s paradox because the premises and the conclusion are similar to that of the paradox. Consequently, we will be examining the above claim by the dogmatists and the response by Sextus Empiricus to the dogmatist claims in the frame of meno’s paradox. The dogmatists emphasize the importance of prior knowledge as a requirement for inquiry.To the dogmatists, inquiry was a difficut process which had to come to an end with some form of realization- something true or …show more content…

Continued inquiry implies that the process of inquiry seemingly never comes to an end. Furthermore, continued inquiry is fundamentally based on opposing appearances and ideas, instead of prior knowledge as in the case of the dogmatists. Sextus argues that it is the setting in opposition of these appearances and ideas of equal force that forms the process of skeptic inquiry. Consequently leading to a suspension of judgement. The suspension of judgement means that the skeptic neither denies nor affirms an idea when it comes to inquiry. Such a stance leads to a calmness of the soul or freedom from disturbance. There is a disturbance that arises from seeking what is true or false according to the skeptics. For the skeptics it was easier to go for a consideration pushed equally in both directions.(III 26 -

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