
Meningitis Case Studies

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1.0 Background/Causes:
A fatal microbial disease, commonly known as Meningococcal meningitis, can be scientifically referred to as any illness caused by the infectious Neisseria meningitidis bacteria. (SEE APPENDIX 3.0) The highest extended disease rate is located within the belt of sub-Saharan Africa, stretching within twenty-six countries from Senegal to Ethiopia. The infectious Meningococcal bacterium are transmitted through person to person contact; spread by exchanging respiratory and throat secretions, such as saliva or mucus, during intimate or neighbouring contact. These bacteria do not hold any animal reservoir and can only be transmitted from humans. Approximately one in ten people unknowingly have the bacteria living harmlessly and …show more content…

In order to be infested with Neisseria meningitidis, close prolonged contact from one person to the other must be present from anywhere between a two and ten day incubation period. (World Health Organisation, 2015.) Most of the consistently occurring symptoms of the disease include sensitivity to light, heavy breathing, cold chills and shivers, confusion, blood rashes, headaches, vomiting, high fevers and a stiff neck. (SEE APPENDIX 2.0) Initial diagnosis of Meningococcal meningitis is made by a clinical examination, and can be confirmed by growing the bacteria in specimens of spinal fluid or blood by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Although in most cases the disease is recognised during early stages, adequate treatment leads to the death of 5-10% of patients typically after twenty -four to forty-eight hours of experiencing symptoms. (World Health Organisation, 2015.) In serious cases, this bacterial meningitis can result in learning disabilities, hearing loss or severe damage to the blood stream, brain and spinal cord. Severe brain damage and blood poisoning can lead to a traumatic death, whilst serious spinal cord injuries leave victims paralysed. This affects approximately 10-20% of all survivors. (Disease Control,

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