
Megalomaniacs In Elie Wiesel's Night And Last Night

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Simplistic complications that add up to mere first world problems can seem to be microscopic road bumps, or they can measure up to unconditional acts of evil on mankind. Megalomaniacs, who find pleasure through sadism, can only make most of those issues worse. While there is a difference between breaking a nail and dying, the potential for true malevolence is still existent in both. Although it may seem that corrupt actions cannot bring out righteousness, that is not quite the case. At the same time, closing down a chain restaurant may not sound like a significant moment to someone who has undergone unspeakable suffering, but it could be the equivalent to the apocalypse for another. In Elie Wiesel’s Night and Last Night at the Lobster …show more content…

For the Wiesel’s, family is a vital key. When all the Jewish prisoners of war were in a long queue waiting for their anticipated death in the cremation pit, Nazi officers separate Elie from his mother and sisters. The few words that were branded into Elie's mind were: “Men to the left! Women to the right!(Wiesel 27). In that split second, his family was gone. Simply gone. With no way to pieced back together. Losing the female figures in his life resulted in a deep grievance. Functioning without his mother or sisters was an inconceivable thought. Emotionless Schutzstaffel officers did not have a care for the permanent tears that they made in innocent people’s families. Separating families may be one of the most disgusting acts during the war, but at least Elie and his father were able to lean on each other for support at the roughest of times. The only good that came out of losing his family was that he at least had one member to thrive off of. They were each other's entire dependence. The only reason why they fought for their lives. The only reason Elie was able to survive. Elie’s altruistic actions towards his father are what allowed them to venture so far. That same hole in a family is left in Last Night at the Lobster. Manny relies on his employees in a similar fashion to how family members depend on each other. Without the support of his crew, the Red Lobster would not be able to function. And to Manny, the Lobster’s workers are his family due to his excessive commitment to his job. When the chief executive officers decide that Manny’s chain is not reaching their standards, they make the order to shut it down. This in some sense can be compared to Elie's family being split up. For years Manny has put extreme amounts of labor to keep the restaurant running. The only way he was able to do this was my counting on his staff to

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