
Medieval Oppression Of Women

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Over the medieval period oppression of women has been a problem and has not been solved up to now. Various movements have taken place against these dilemmas but they still exist in our nation and while they prevail they’ve given an upswing to problems and instances of obnoxious behavior.

Women have been unjustly held back from achieving full equality for much of human history. In the novel ‘The Palace of Illusions’, Princess Panchali said “He was always trying to discourage me from attending Dhri’s lessons- and he wasn’t the only one. At first, no matter how much I begged, King Drupad had balked at the thought of me studying with my brother. A girl being taught what a boy was supposed to learn? Such a thing had never been heard of in the royal family of Panchal!” Dhai Ma denied Panchali of accessing the lessons that Dhri was learning as she believed that they were making her argumentative and too manlike in her speech.

Practices followed during the medieval period showed us the predominant injustice of our times is the widespread, tyrannical oppression of women. The feudal society of the time encouraged "Sati" which meant self-immolation of the widow. By burning herself on the pyre of her husband, she proves her loyalty. Even the child widows were not spared from this gruesome …show more content…

Many women face discrimination throughout all stages of their life, beginning at (or even before) birth continuing as an infant, child, adolescent, and adult. While in the educated, urban middle class women’s rights continue to improve, there remains a strong bias against gender equality in those societal parts of India, where patriarchal traditions prevail; her self-image was torn into shreds by the patriarchal family which denied her basic freedom. Indian womanhood was mercilessly locked in the echo

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