
Medieval Middle Ages

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Although people use medieval to portray something too old to be valuable or worthy and is used to indicate something that is exceedingly brutal, rather often people use the term medieval to refer to the period of European history which had lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. Originating from the Latin phrase “medium aevum,” in translation it means middle age, the word is associated with a timeframe classified as ancient and modern. During the Middle Ages which was between the collapse of Rome and the Renaissance in which there was a revival of Greek and Roman ideals and classical text, there was a period of stagnation in the arts, literature, and music. Even though implications of the word medieval introduce particularly detailed examination …show more content…

As a result of the Black Plague, one third of England’s population was killed due to unsanitary living conditions and more people living in cities. The Black Plague during the Middle Ages, works of literature and art had personified death; depicting death in human form made the plague more understandable. “He was a companion of yours/ and last night he was suddenly slain/ as he sat upright on his bench, very drunk/ there came a stealthy thief men called Death/ who slays all the people in this country” (210-214). The three men who are drinking in the tavern and get the news that another person has died due to the plague, they decide to kill death, death is in the form of the old man. In the Pardoner’s Tale, it personifies death as an old man, however, in the end the three men end up dying as a result of betraying each other due to the greed of money, and Chaucer adds irony into the tale as well. During the Middle Ages, literature and art portrayed religion, courtly love, and mock heroism, but medieval is often used to refer to something old or merciless. While the term medieval resembles the period of history known as the Middle Ages, it also portrays something too old to be valuable and is used to indicate something that is exceedingly brutal. People use the connotation of the word medieval in reference to dangerous actions or weapons or to describe an object or a place as old or ancient. The word medieval is popularly used to indicate something that is ruthless and

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