
Medication 6. 1

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6. Understand how to promote the rights of the individual when managing medication.
6.1. Explain the principles in the use of medication of:
• Consent
• Self-medication or active participation
• Dignity and privacy
• Confidentiality.
Consent – Consent is required in written form from the parent or main care provider of any child before medication will be administered within the setting. This consent includes a signed and completed medication form detailing the type of medication, dose, route and when the medication must be administered. Where the child is able, they must also consent to receive the medication. Where the child is not willing to provide consent staff members may explain the need for taking such medication. If the child still …show more content…

This not only protects the child but also the staff member from allegations of improper conduct regarding the administration of the medicine. Children will be invited into a side room to take their medication, away from the general traffic of the setting and all measures possible will be taken in order to maintain the dignity and privacy of the child whilst still effectively and safely ensuring the medication is correctly administered.
Confidentiality – As always in accordance with the Data Protection Act all sensitive information regarding the child and their medication must remain confidential. Sharing of information regarding medication is on a need to know basis and will only be shared with practitioners within the setting who need to know. This may include the key worker and any other staff member trained and qualified to give such medication in the absence of the keyworker. All medical forms and information are filled away safely away from general view and under no circumstances may medical details of a child be shared through gossip between staff members.
6.2. Explain how risk assessment can be used to support an individual's independence in managing medication.
Risk assessment is a powerful means by which individual children can be encouraged to manage their own medication. Through agreeing a number of risks of a child administering their own medication such as giving themselves an incorrect dose, procedures can be put into place

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