
Medical Studies Of Diabetes

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Diabetes Due to the need for close monitoring of blood glucose and insulin level in the body, there have been various studies done regarding the various insulin regimens that are available today. Before we get into the details of the studies conducted, it is only relevant to give an overview of the problem at hand. Type I Diabetes or as it also known juvenile onset diabetes is a disorder that is normally diagnosed in young adults or children. This form of diabetes results from the destruction of the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. With auto immune destruction being the most common cause, type I diabetes is a lifelong disease. Insulin is the basic treatment for Diabetes in about 30% of the diabetic patients in the United States. (Centers for Disease control, 2008)It should be noted that insulin is present in three different forms and a person needs to take the regimen that is most suitable for them. As mentioned earlier, too much insulin given at a time can cause a person to go in hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is way more fatal than increased glucose levels. The 30 year old female in our case was taking the Insulin Basal bolus that consisted of novo rapid and glargine. There has been much concern over the efficacy of a basal regimen to a pre mixed insulin form. A study conducted by Mathieu et. al (2013) was done to see how the change in regimen switch is tolerated. This change is the opposite of what we are proposing for the 30 year old female. In the Atlantic

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